anchor Description
This project provides for the replacement of the existing Gold Mine Road Bridge over Hawlings River and the construction of an bike path between James Creek Court and Chandlee Mill Road. The existing bridge, built in is a one span steel beam with an asphalt filled corrugated metal deck structure carrying a clear roadway with W-beam guardrail on each side, for a total deck width of The proposed replacement bridge includes a one span prestressed concrete slab beam structure with a clear roadway width. The project includes of approach roadway work at each end of the bridge that consists of widening and raising the roadway profile by at the bridge. The new bridge will carry lanes of traffic, improve sight distances at the bridge, raise the bridge elevation to reduce flooding at the roadway, carry all legal vehicles, and provide pedestrian facilities across the river.
anchorEstimated Schedule
This project is complete and is awaiting reimbursement from the Maryland Department of Transportation.
anchor Justification
The proposed replacement work is necessary to provide a safe roadway condition for the traveling public. The bridge inspection revealed that the concrete abutments and wing walls are in fair condition and the bridge has a weight restriction which is controlled by the undersized steel beams. The bridge is currently on a inspection cycle to allow some school buses to exceed the inventory rating values of the beams. The bridge is functionally obsolete, carries two lanes of traffic on a single lane bridge with no sidewalks and has inadequate sight distance approaching the bridge. The bridge is closed two to three times a year due to flooding of the Hawlings River.
This project also supports the County Executive's Vision Zero initiative which aims to reduce injuries and fatalities on all roads.
anchorFiscal Note
The costs of bridge construction and construction management for this project are eligible for up to percent Federal Aid. The design costs for this project are covered in the Bridge Design project (CIP No. funding switch of from GO Bonds to Federal Aid to reflect actuals.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Federal Highway Administration - Federal Aid Bridge Replacement/Rehabilitation Program, Maryland State Highway Administration, Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services, Utilities, and Bridge Design PDF (CIP