anchor Description
This project provides access from Elm Street west of Wisconsin Avenue to the southern end of the Bethesda Metrorail station and ultimately integrates the Metro system with the new light rail system, allowing the completion of the connection between the new Purple Line light rail system and the existing Metrorail Red Line. The Metrorail Red Line runs below Wisconsin Avenue through Bethesda more than feet below the surface, considerably deeper than the Purple Line right-of-way. The Bethesda Metrorail station has one entrance, near East West Highway. The Metrorail station was built with accommodations for a future southern entrance. The Bethesda light rail transit (LRT) station would have platforms located just west of Wisconsin Avenue on the Georgetown Branch right-of-way. This platform allows a direct connection between LRT and Metrorail, making transfers as convenient as possible. Six station elevators would be located in the Elm Street right-of-way, which would require narrowing the street and extending the sidewalk. The station would include a new south entrance to the Metrorail station, including a new mezzanine above the Metrorail platform, similar to the existing mezzanine at the present station's north end. The mezzanine would use the existing knock-out panel in the arch of the station and the passageway that was partially excavated when the station was built in anticipation of the future construction of a south entrance.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Construction started in Construction will be coordinated and implemented as part of the State Purple Line Project and will be completed when the Purple Line construction is complete. In the concessionaire and the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) selected an entity to complete construction. The project is expected to be completed in
anchorCost Change
Cost increase due to updated cost estimate from WMATA for the new mezzanine and additional year of funding in for project management to align with revised Purple Line completion schedule.
Part of Elm Street west of Wisconsin Avenue will be closed for a period during construction.
anchorFiscal Note
The funds for this project were initially programmed in the State Transportation Participation project. Appropriation of million for design was transferred from the State Transportation Participation project in In a funding switch was made to increase Revenue Bonds: Liquor Fund appropriation and decrease G.O. Bonds appropriation by million. In a shift in million in G.O. Bonds from to was done to reflect an updated MTA billing schedule. In was shifted from prior years and distributed across to further reflect actual progress, a new estimated billing schedule, and to account for delays associated with the Purple Line. In the CIP, million was added to fill a funding gap in the project to allow for the completion of the Bethesda South Metro Entrance mezzanine project element as planned. This consists of million in G.O. bonds and million in Federal Aid, reflecting a million earmark in the Omnibus Appropriations Bill. WMATA received an additional in state aid for this project during the State General Assembly Session. WMATA will pay for in mezzanine costs directly, and the remainder of the cost will be paid by the County.
Maryland Transit Administration, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Bethesda Lot Parking Garage project, Department of Transportation, Department of General Services, Special Capital Projects Legislation [Bill No. was adopted by Council June