anchor Description
This project provides funds for Department of Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA) facility planning studies for a variety of projects for possible inclusion in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). In addition, facility planning serves as a transition stage for a project between the master plan or conceptual stage and its inclusion as a stand-alone project in the CIP. Prior to the establishment of a stand-alone project, DHCA will develop a Program of Requirements (POR) that outlines the general and specific features required in the project. Selected projects range in type from: land and building acquisition; conversion of surplus schools/ school sites or County-owned land into housing resources; design and construction of street improvements, sidewalks, and other infrastructure improvements in neighborhoods; and small commercial area revitalization that include streetscaping and circulation along with Central Business District (CBD) revitalization. Facility planning is a decision-making process to determine the purpose and need of a candidate project through a rigorous investigation of the following critical project elements: community revitalization needs; economic, social, environmental, and historic impacts; public participation; non-County funding sources; and detailed project cost estimates. Depending upon the results of a facility planning analysis of purpose and need, a project may or may not proceed to construction. For a full description of the facility planning process, see the CIP Planning Section.
anchorCost Change
Cost increase due to addition of FY29 and FY30 expenditures to this ongoing project.
anchor Justification
There is a continuing need for development of accurate cost estimates and an exploration of alternatives for proposed projects. Facility planning costs for all projects which ultimately become stand-alone Project Description Forms (PDFs) are included here. These costs will not be reflected in the resulting individual project. Future individual CIP projects, which result from facility planning, will each reflect reduced planning and design costs.
The proposals studied under this program will involve the Office of Management and Budget staff, consultants, community groups, and related program area staff, to ensure that completed studies show full costs, program requirements, and have community support.
anchorFiscal Note
The cumulative appropriation for the Community Development Block Grant funding was previously overstated. Technical adjustments were made in the biennial FY21-26 CIP to align expenditures with the actual funding available.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Office of Management and Budget, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Department of Transportation, Department of General Services, and Regional Services Centers.