anchor Description
This project will provide for a comprehensive rehabilitation of this historic library to include conversion of the attic into a finished second floor, renovation of the first floor, and the addition of a finished basement, an elevator, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant restrooms, and egress stairs. The rehabilitated facility will be able to accommodate more attendees and more types of programming and services than are possible in the current facility.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Design is completed. Project is deferred for one year due to the need to rebid the project.
anchor Justification
The Noyes Library is a small, historically-designated library with services specifically focused on pre-kindergarten education and early childhood (infants through approximately age 8). The small scale and intimate setting of the library are unique and provide a signature experience for children, but the building is not ADA compliant. In 2010, the County proposed a modest effort that would have addressed the ADA issues in the most basic manner possible, as well as made small changes to the library layout that would have positively impacted programming and service offerings. Since that time, the County and the Foundation discussed a more comprehensive rehabilitation of the Noyes Library for Young Children that preserved the library's unique, small-scale, intimate experience, while making substantial improvements to the building that supported use by persons with disabilities, new space for program preparatory and collection work by staff, and additional space for programs. Via this project, the County Executive is proposing a partnership to support this enhanced vision of the Noyes Library for Young Children.
anchorFiscal Note
Originally, the project was to be funded by County General Obligation (GO) Bonds and private funds that would be raised by the Noyes Children's Library Foundation according to the requirements of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the County and the Noyes Children's Library Foundation which codified the fundraising and project plan. In addition, Current Revenue funding of $300,000 in FY17 and $200,000 in FY18 was moved from Capital Improvement Grants for the Arts and Humanities from Cost Sharing project P720601. The construction phase was not to begin until the Noyes Children's Library Foundation completed its fund raising and provided the construction funding in full to the County. An increased cost share related to the project's cost increase was required to be negotiated per the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding between the County and the Noyes Children's Library Foundation. In FY23, the County agreed to contribute an additional $885,000 for the project. In concert with the Foundation's reported $950,000 in fund raising proceeds and an additional $525,000 in FY23 State Aid, this will fully fund the project.
A pedestrian impact analysis will be performed during design or is in progress.
Department of Public Libraries, Department of General Services, Noyes Children's Library Foundation, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Montgomery County Parks, Mid-County Regional Services Center, WSSC Water, Pepco, Town of Kensington Park, and Maryland Historic Trust.