anchor Description
This project provides for the renovation of or improvements to Bethesda parking facilities. This is a continuing program of contractual improvements or renovations, with changing priorities depending upon the type of deterioration and corrections required, that will protect or improve the physical infrastructure to assure safe and reliable parking facilities and to preserve the County's investment. The scope of this project will vary depending on the results of studies conducted under the Facility Planning Parking project. Included are annual consultant services to provide investigation, analysis, recommended repair methods, contract documents, inspection, and testing, if required.
anchorCost Change
Cost change reflects ability to afford additional facility investments and the inclusion of FY29 and FY30 to this level of effort project.
anchor Justification
Staff inspection and condition surveys by County inspectors and consultants indicate that facilities in the Bethesda Parking Lot District (PLD) are in need of rehabilitation and repair work. Not performing this restoration work within the time and scope specified may result in serious structural integrity problems to the subject parking facilities as well as possible public safety hazards.
Major sub-projects within this ongoing effort are as follows:
- Repair the sinkhole and ramp spalling at Garage 35 Woodmont/Rugby.
- Waterproofing, drainage repair, concrete repair, and Paystation improvements at Garage 49 Metropolitan.
- Address flooding, storm and sanitary valve replacement, and concrete facade at Garage 11, Woodmont Corner.
- Maintenance program for FY25 will include repairs, painting/striping, and cost-effective strategies to enhance security.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Facility Planning Parking: Bethesda PLD.