anchor Description
This project provides for the construction of a shared-use path along Norwood Rd from New Hampshire Ave (MD 650) to Norbeck Road. The proposed shared-use path will be along the west (southbound) side of Norwood Road from New Hampshire Avenue (MD 650) to approximately 600 feet north of Eubie Blake for a total length of approximately 6,300 linear feet. The proposed path will be 10-feet wide for typical applications and 8 feet wide where obstructions exist. A 2 to 6-foot grass buffer will be proposed between the back of the existing curb and the front of the shared-use path where possible and portions of the existing Norwood Road shoulder may be reduced/repurposed to minimize impacts to businesses and property owners.
anchorEstimated Schedule
The project design is delayed due to environmental impacts including stream restrictions. Land acquisitions will also add an additional six months to the project schedule. Anticipated design completion in FY25. Construction is scheduled to be completed in FY26.
anchorCost Change
Cost increase to account for staff charges that are an ineligible expense for state aid.
anchor Justification
This project will provide separate bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and improve safety and access to schools, places of worship and parks.
anchorFiscal Note
State Aid reflects state grants for capital projects in Montgomery County programmed during the 2022 State General Assembly Session. No cost estimate has been performed. Once design has advanced and a cost estimate has been prepared a determination will be made if the project can be completed with the available state aid. The scope may be reduced or the cost estimate may be revised at the 35% design stage.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
The County Executive asserts that this project conforms to the requirement of relevant local plans, as required by the Maryland Economic Growth, Resource Protection and Planning Act.
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission; Maryland DOT State Highway; Administration, Maryland Department of the Environment; Maryland Department of Natural Resources; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Department of Permitting Services; Utilities; Municipalities; affected communities; Commission on Aging; Commission on People with Disabilities; and Montgomery County Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee.