anchor Description
This program provides for the planning, design, and construction of improvements such as bus lanes; queue jumps; passenger boarding and alighting improvements; implementation of transit signal priority; enhanced bus stops; and other similar capital improvements that will result in improved bus operations throughout Montgomery County. These improvements will advance the transit network specified by master plans. Potential improvements may also be identified through other planning and transit operations studies or requested by community members.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Sub-projects include: Veirs Mill Road, near the Wheaton Metrorail Station; Century Boulevard, Crystal Rock Drive and Aircraft Road near the Germantown Transit Center; and University Boulevard from Dennis Avenue to Amherst Avenue. Projects will be coordinated with the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority's Bus Priority Program, which will provide design for bus reliability improvements for up to two corridors in Montgomery County, with the intention that the improvements would be implemented by the County.
anchorCost Change
Cost increase due to the addition of in this level of effort project.
anchor Justification
Montgomery County is working towards implementation of a bus rapid transit (BRT) network that will dramatically improve transit and support the County's economic development, equity, and environmental goals. This network is focused on ten primary corridors within Montgomery County and is an ambitious plan to improve bus transit service and refocus how people travel in Montgomery County. Individual corridor projects are complex, costly, and take several years to implement. Recognizing the importance of improving bus performance in the shorter term, the Montgomery County Department of Transportation is advancing the Bus Priority Program to provide targeted and quickly implementable improvements that will result in improved bus reliability and travel time.
A pedestrian impact analysis will be performed during design or is in progress.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Maryland Department of Transportation, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, City of Rockville, City of Gaithersburg, State Highway Administration