anchor Description
This project will construct a new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line on US from Burtonsville Park-and-Ride lot to the Silver Spring Transit Center. The project will build new BRT station platforms with level boarding and off-board fare payment, purchase new articulated vehicles, implement Transit Signal Priority at intersections, and construct improved bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, including new Capital Bikeshare stations. The new BRT service will use the existing bus-on-shoulder lanes on US in the northern section of the corridor and operate in mixed traffic in the southern section of US and along Lockwood Drive, Stewart Lane, Briggs Chaney Road, and Castle Boulevard.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Service started in and final construction and approvals will be completed in
anchor Justification
The project will transform mobility options with the implementation of a premium, branded, limited-stop BRT service along US This new service will improve transit travel time and increase opportunity for a broad range of users, including a significant number of minority and low-income riders living along a highly congested corridor. The project will improve passenger transit mobility by connecting riders to high density housing and employment centers. This project is vital to the success of significant new private development and employment in the adopted White Oak Science Gateway Master Plan.Plans & Studies: MCDOT Countywide Bus Rapid Transit Study, Final Report (July County Executive's Transit Task Force (May Countywide Transit Corridors Functional Master Plan (November MCDOT US Bus Rapid Transit Project Description Report (March Maryland Department of Transportation/Maryland Transit Administration US Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Planning Study (April
Prior to million for Planning and Design and in grant management was included in PDF Rapid Transit System (renamed to Bus Rapid Transit System Development in Since Planning and Design were close to completion at the end of only funds for the construction phase of the project and have been moved to this new PDF.
anchorFiscal Note
The project is receiving million of Federal funds through the Transportation Infrastructure Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program. The Federal funds will be used towards station and pedestrian/bicycle infrastructure construction. The Maryland Department of Transportation Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP) for provided million for County Rapid Transit System planning, a portion of which was used to begin facility planning on the US corridor. Reflects reallocation of million in GO Bonds from the ADA Compliance: Transportation project to cover ADA sidewalk upgrades. In funding switch of million from Contributions to GO Bonds. In funding switch of from GO Bonds to Impact Tax. In funding switch of from Intergovernmental to Impact Tax due to WSSC Water reimbursement ineligibility.
A pedestrian impact analysis will be performed during design or is in progress.
Maryland Department of Transportation, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission. Special Projects Legislation (Expedited Bill No. was adopted by Council June