anchor Description
This project provides for parking facility planning studies for a variety of projects under consideration for possible inclusion in the CIP. Facility planning serves as a transition stage for a project between the master plan or conceptual stage and its inclusion as a stand-alone project in the CIP. Prior to the establishment of a stand-alone project, the Department of Transportation (DOT) will develop a Parking Facility Project Requirement (PFPR) that outlines the general and specific features required for the project. Facility planning is a decision-making process to determine the purpose, need and feasibility of a candidate project through a rigorous investigation of the following critical project elements: usage forecasts; economic, social, environmental, and historic impact analysis; public participation; investigation of non-County sources of funding; and detailed project cost estimates. Facility planning represents feasibility analysis, planning and preliminary design and develops a PFPR in advance of full programming of a project in the CIP. Depending upon results of a facility planning determination of purpose and need, a project may or may not proceed to construction. For a full description of the facility planning process, see the CIP Planning Section.
anchorCost Change
FY29 and FY30 added to this Level of Effort project.
anchor Justification
There is a continuing need to study and evaluate the public and private parking supply and demand in order to ensure an adequate amount of parking. The timing and magnitude of such studies is usually dictated by the interests of private developers. Facility planning costs for projects which ultimately become stand-alone projects are included here. These costs will not be reflected in the resulting individual project.
Projects are generated by staff, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), public agencies, citizens, developers, etc. Analysis conducted under this project may be accomplished by consultants or in-house staff, with the cooperation of M-NCPPC, other County agencies, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), or private development interests.
A pedestrian impact analysis will be performed during design or is in progress.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
M-NCPPC, WMATA, Parking Silver Spring Renovations, Silver Spring CBD Sector Plan, Developers, PEPCO, and Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions.