Budget Year / Version:  


This project provides funding for a comprehensive lifecycle renewal and replacement program to protect the investment in College facilities and equipment and to meet current safety and environmental requirements. Funding also provides for project management contract services. This collegewide project is targeted at deteriorating facilities and deferred maintenance of major building systems. This project includes: (1) HVAC system renovation/replacement; (2) major mechanical/plumbing equipment renovation/replacement; (3) interior and exterior lighting system renovation/replacements; (4) electrical service/switchgear renovation/replacement; (5) building structural and exterior envelope refurbishment; (6) asbestos removals not tied to building renovations; (7) major carpet replacement; (8) underground petroleum tank upgrades; and (9) site utility, and site infrastructure replacement/ improvements. Note: The Life Safety Systems project, (CIP No. P046601), has been merged into this project. This project also provides design and construction funding for the correction of life safety and fire code deficiencies identified in the Collegewide Facilities Condition Audit. The scope of this project includes the installation and/or replacement of fire alarm systems, fire sprinkler systems, smoke control systems, emergency power systems, emergency lighting systems, public address systems, and similar equipment and operations.




Budget Snapshot
$95.02M Total
$24M 6 Year Total

Cost Change

Increase due to addition of FY29 and FY30, net of a $1,650,000 transfer to the Planning, Design, and Construction project.


In November 2007 (December 2013 update), the College updated a comprehensive building system/equipment assessment, including site utilities and improvements, that identified deficiencies, prioritized replacements and upgrades, and provided the framework for implementing a systematic capital renewal program to complement on-going preventive maintenance efforts. The College continues to have a significant backlog of major building systems and equipment renovations and/or replacements due to the age of the Campuses and deferral of major equipment replacement. Key components of the HVAC, mechanical and electrical systems are outdated, energy inefficient, and costly to continue to repair. The renovation and/or replacement of major building systems, building components and equipment, and site improvements will significantly extend the useful life of the College's buildings and correct safety and environmental problems. The Collegewide Facilities Condition Assessment Update (1/23) identified a $104 million deferred maintenance backlog over 5 years, for the three campuses, and a total backlog of $345 million. If additional financial resources are not directed at this problem, facilities will continue to deteriorate leading to higher cost renovations or building replacements. The Collegewide Facilities Condition Audit identified various life safety concerns on all three campuses. This project allows the College to address the concerns, replacing and/or installing appropriate life safety or fire code measures, and ensuring compliance with applicable life safety, fire, and building codes. Other relevant plans and studies include the Montgomery College Strategic Plan (7/23), Collegewide Facilities Master Plan (Pending 2023), and the County Council Report of the Infrastructure Maintenance Task Force (3/16).


FY25 Appropriation: $4,000,000 (G.O. Bonds). FY26 Appropriation: $4,000,000 (G.O. Bonds).The following fund transfers have been made from this project: $47,685 to Takoma Park Child Care Center (CIP No. P946657) (BOT Resol. #93-106, #94-26 & #941-28); $185,000 to Rockville Surge Building (CIP No. P966665) (BOT Resol. #11-2291 - 1/21/97); $7,000 to Planning, Design & Construction (CIP No. P906605) (BOT Resol. #01-153); $91,175 to the Art Building Renovation Project (CIP No. P906608) (BOT Resol. # 06-09-106 - 9/18/06); $250,000 to the Takoma Park Expansion Project (CIP No. P996662) (BOT Resol. #07-01-005 - 1/16/07); and $1,400,000 to the Roof Replacement Project (#P876664)(BOT Resol. #19-041,05/13/19). The following fund transfers have been made into this project: $15,000 from Central Plant Distribution System (CIP No. P886676) (BOT Resol. #98-82 - 6/15/98), $25,000 from Clean Air Act (CIP No. P956643) (BOT Resol. # 98-82 - 6/15/98), $24,000 from the Rockville Campus Science Center Project (CIP No. P036600) (BOT Resol. # 15-03-025 - 03/23/15); and $1,861,000 in G.O. Bonds from Science West Building Renovation (#P076622). Beginning in FY98, the portion of this project funded by County Current Revenues migrated to the College's Operating Budget. Reflecting the migration of this portion of the project, the College's Operating Budget includes funds for this effort. The following fund transfer has been made from this project: $67,000 to the Commons Building Renovation Project (CIP No. P056601) (BOT Resolution #10-08-057, 07/31/10); $1,650,000 to the Planning Design, and Construction Project (#P096605)(BOT Resol. 24-09-008, 9/18/23). In FY19, $1,861,000 in G.O. Bonds were transferred from the Science West Building Renovation project (#P076622). In FY20, $31,000 was transferred from the Macklin Towers Alteration project (P036603) to the Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement project (BOT Resol.# 20-06-065, 6/22/20).


Expenditures will continue indefinitely.


This project is coordinated with Utility Master Plans and building renovations on the Rockville, Germantown, and Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campuses; and the following projects:, Capital Renewal: College (CIP No. P096600), Elevator Modernization: College (CIP No. P046600), Energy Conservation: College (CIP No. P816611), Facility Planning: College (CIP No. P886686), Roof Replacement: College (CIP No. P876664).
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Budget Snapshot
$95.02M Total
$24M 6 Year Total
Project Details
Project NumberP926659
Date Last Modified01/05/24
Administering AgencyMontgomery College
CategoryMontgomery College
SubCategoryHigher Education
Planning AreaCountywide
Total Expenditures by Cost Element (000s)
Total Funding by Source (000s)
Cost ElementsTotalThru FY23Est FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
Planning, Design and Supervision94235969105424004004004004004004000
Site Improvements and Utilities00000000000
Total Expenditures95020634497571240004000400040004000400040000
FUNDING (000s)
Funding SourceTotalThru FY23Est FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
Current Revenue: General19401940000000000
G.O. Bonds93080615097571240004000400040004000400040000
Total Funding Sources95020634497571240004000400040004000400040000
Appropriation FY 25 Request4000
Year First AppropriationFY93
Appropriation FY 26 Request4000
Last FY's Cost Estimate88670
Cumulative Appropriation71020
Expenditure / Encumbrances65150
Unencumbered Balance5870