anchor Description
This project funds design and construction of renovations, modifications, and modernizations of local parks, with projects generally between $1 to $4 M. These renovation projects are typically complex and/or extensive, and may require planning, public outreach, and Planning Board approval where POS funds are used. Improvements may include, but are not limited to, renovating and/or converting existing amenities, adding new park elements and features, modernizing facilities, improving infrastructure, etc., and are often combined with other projects.
anchorCost Change
The increased funding represents allocation of Park Bonds, Program Open Space funding, and Federal Aid to allow project implementation for two new Land and Water Conservation Fund grant awards to implement projects at Long Branch Wayne Park and Long Branch Local Park, and the addition of FY29 and FY30 to this ongoing project. State Aid funding was added in FY25 for Stonehedge Local Park, partially offset by a reduction in POS funding.
anchor Justification
This project responds to the challenge of maintaining an aging park system while meeting increasing demands from a growing population, escalating costs, and tightening fiscal conditions. The traditional method of large-scale renovations utilizing facility planning and stand-alone CIP projects is not a one-size-fits-all approach to delivering a modern park system at a reasonable cost. This provides the agency an additional tool that streamlines the park development process with smaller scale projects, allowing the agency to be more responsive to life-cycles of infrastructure and meeting goals and objectives of the PROS 2017 plan and individual master plans.
The goal of this project is to fund 2-3 renovation projects each year.
anchorFiscal Note
A total of $650k of FY24 State Aid was provided for the following: Dalewood Playground ($250k), Stonehedge Local Park ($150k); and Long Branch Parks Initiative ($250k). A total of $2,000 of Federal Aid was provided for implementation of projects in Long Branch Wayne Park and Long Branch Local Park. The fiscal note has been updated to reflect the addition of $350,000 in State Aid funding in FY25 for Stonebridge Local Park, attributed to a $1,150,000 increase in State Bond Bills through the legislative Bond Initiatives program. POS funding reduced by -$170,000 due to the reduction of final POS Allocation received from the State.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
M-NCPPC asserts that this project conforms to the requirement of relevant local plans, as required by the Maryland Economic Growth, Resource Protection and Planning Act.
M-NCPPC Planning Department; Montgomery County Departments of Transportation, Permitting Services, Environmental Protection; Regional Services Centers and Urban Districts.