anchor Description
The central portion of Montgomery County continues to experience population and economic growth. The White Flint Sector Plan, the Rock Spring Sector Plan, the White Flint Sector Plan, and the Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro Area Minor Master Plan support this growth by creating livable communities that offer a range of benefits such as walkable neighborhoods and access to community facilities including parks. Specifically, these Plans focus on creating new parks with central gathering spaces and active recreational amenities to support the quality of life. The dedication of land for a school and/or park site is one of the top priority public amenities to be provided by all development projects within these Plan areas. In lieu of dedication, the Planning Board may accept substantive contributions toward acquisition of new land to meet these master plan recommendations. Any Park Benefit Payments (PBPs) submitted to the M-NCPPC as a condition of Planning Board development approvals within these Plan areas will be placed into this Project for appropriation and expenditure. The Park Benefit Payments will be used for acquisition of new parkland and the development of park facilities on newly acquired land to serve the White Flint, Grosvenor-Strathmore, and Rock Spring areas. These funds are intended to create new park resources, so will not be used not for the renovation/modification of existing parks. Funds that are allocated for planning, design, and construction of parks will be transferred to the appropriate development PDF within the CIP. Expenditures will be based on the park priorities within each of the Master/Sector Plan areas, availability of land for acquisition, site improvement needs, and the Parks Departments' design and construction schedule.
anchor Justification
Chapters (Subdivision Regulations) and (Zoning Ordinance) of the Montgomery County Code require development/redevelopment to demonstrate substantial conformance with the Master or Sector Plan for approval. When site conditions preclude dedication of land needed for a school and/or park site, this Project will provide an alternative path for developments to achieve plan conformance while also implementing the vision for vibrant communities with ample public parks and associated amenities. This Project will serve to hold, appropriate and expend any Park Benefit Payments that are made to the M-NCPPC through the regulatory application review process under Chapters and to serve the park needs of any of these four Master/Sector Plan areas.
Appropriations for payments received above the approved capital budget will be requested through supplemental appropriations or future CIP approvals.
anchorFiscal Note
M-NCPPC has received the first Mid-County PBP payment of This payment was the first installment of a Planning Board-approved PBP of Appropriations for payments received above the approved capital budget will be requested through supplemental appropriations or future CIP approvals. Project expenditures will not be incurred or encumbered prior to the receipt of funds.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Park Acquisitions ALARF: M-NCPPC PDF Facility Planning: Local Parks PDF Facility Planning: Non-Local Parks PDF Bethesda Park Impact Payment PDF