anchor Description
This project provides funding for acquisition and/or renovation of properties for the purpose of preserving or increasing the County's affordable housing inventory. The County may purchase properties or assist not-for-profit, tenant, or for-profit entities, or Housing Opportunities Commission with bridge financing to purchase and renovate properties. The monies may be used to purchase properties that are offered to the County under the Right of First Refusal Law or otherwise available for purchase. A portion of the units in these properties must serve households with incomes that are at or below incomes eligible for the Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit (MPDU) program. A priority should be given to rental housing.
anchorCost Change
Cost change reflects an increase in current revenue in to leverage resources from impact investors to produce and preserve additional affordable units.
anchor Justification
To implement Section Housing Policy, and Section Tenant Displacement (Right of First Refusal), of the Montgomery County Code. Opportunities to purchase property utilizing the County's Right of First Refusal arise without advance notice and cannot be planned in advance. Properties may be acquired by the County, non-profit developers, HOC or other entities that agree to develop or redevelop property for affordable housing.
Resale or control period restrictions to ensure long-term affordability should be a part of projects funded with these monies.
anchorFiscal Note
Debt service will be financed by the Montgomery Housing Initiative (MHI) Fund. In addition to the appropriation shown above, future loan repayments are expected and will be used to finance future housing activities in this project. supplemental appropriation in Loan Repayment Proceeds for the amount of million in Loan Repayment Proceeds were transferred to the Nonprofit Preservation Fund. In million in Loan Repayment Proceeds will be shifted to the Nonprofit Preservation Fund.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Housing Opportunities Commission, non-profit housing providers, and private sector developers.