anchor Description
This project provides for an underground, space public parking garage on the current site of Public Parking Lot located at Fenton Street in Silver Spring. The underground, public parking garage will be designed and constructed by a private development partner the County selected through a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process. The private development has received Project Plan approval from the Planning Board. The specific mix of uses and numbers of private parking spaces to be constructed are currently being determined within the Site Plan approval process.
The underground, public parking garage will consist of County owned and operated public parking spaces.
anchorEstimated Schedule
This project was completed in and is in closeout.
anchor Justification
Public Parking Lot is being redeveloped in accordance with the Silver Spring Sector Plan. Based on an analysis conducted by the Department of Transportation's Division of Parking Manangement, the underground, public parking garage is appropriately sized to meet the needs of the planned private redevelopment project and the current parking needs of the service area. Mandatory referral to Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) for the County's underground, public parking garage has been completed.
A pedestrian impact analysis will be performed during design or is in progress.
PEPCO, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commision, Department of Technology Services, Office of Management and Budget, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission