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Bid Holder For
Formal Solicitation Details

This Solicitation is Reserved for the Local Small Business Reserve Program

Solicitation Number
RFP # 1164235
Bid Opening/
RFP Closing Date
Mar 4 2024 3:00PM
Expand Efforts in Violence Prevention and Intervention Services
Amendment #1 has been issued
Pre-Submission Conference
Microsoft Teams Meeting (See Solicitation for Details)
Feb 15 2024 10:00AM
Technical Contact:
Diana Alvarez
[email protected]

Procurement Specialist:
Angelina DeLuca
(240) 777-8151
[email protected]

The Department of Health and Human Services' Positive Youth Development Program is seeking an organization to enhance or expand its existing programs of evidence, ethnically, culturally, and community-based healing and trauma-informed youth development services to Montgomery County middle school-aged youth at risk of committing acts of violence. 

A. The Offeror awarded a Contract as a result of this solicitation must enhance and expand efforts in youth violence prevention, diversion, and intervention for Montgomery County youth in the Mid-County area.

B. The Contractor must provide culturally, evidence-based, and trauma-informed services to a minimum of 80 unduplicated middle school-aged youth who have been actively involved in acts of violence, or perpetrators of violence or victims of violence. The services would be provided in Mid County areas: Aspen Hill, Glenmont, and Wheaton. The Contractor’s services must include, but are not limited to, the following programs for the targeted population: 

1. Provide services for youth exposed to multiple acts of violence as victims or perpetrators; 
2. Services for assisting with complex trauma as well as non-traditional approaches such as gardening and/or therapeutic recreation;
3. Family Strengthening Supports;
4. Case management; and
5. Leadership training and/or opportunities.

C. The Contractor must establish a community advisory board of youth and parents to ensure program participation and leadership. This community advisory board should represent the targeted population. 

D. The Contractor must demonstrate extensive experience and proven effectiveness in serving youth and families in Montgomery County, especially in middle-aged youth.

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