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Bid Holder For
Formal Solicitation Details

This Solicitation is Reserved for the Local Small Business Reserve Program

Solicitation Number
RFP # 1152609
Bid Opening/
RFP Closing Date
Nov 20 2023 11:00AM
Health Promoters Outreach, Engagement, and Education
Amendments #1 and #2 have been issued
Pre-Submission Conference
Microsoft Teams Meeting (See Solicitation for Details)
Oct 26 2023 10:00AM
Technical Contact:
David Del Pozo

[email protected]

Procurement Specialist:
Bree Stroman
240 777 9900
[email protected]

The Montgomery County Government (“County”) has an interest in conducting outreach and promoting community engagement with underserved populations within the community to enhance awareness and knowledge of community resources.

The Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services’ (DHHS) Latino Health Initiative (LHI) focuses on the development of effective, culturally, and linguistically competent programs to improve the health and well-being of underserved Latinos in the County. The target audience of the community outreach, engagement, and educational activities is Montgomery County residents with an emphasis on underserved Latino residents (“Clients”).

In response to the unique, unmet needs of the Latino community, the LHI developed the Health Promoters Program for the purpose of recruiting, training, and empowering nonprofessional health promoters to foster healthy behaviors, facilitate access to health and medical services, and advocate for health policies that benefit the community. The LHI has delivered community outreach and education services with the support of a cadre of volunteers, under the supervision of LHI’s health promotion team for over 20 years. LHI health promoters have provided direct services to the Latino community and the community Countywide, in a variety of settings including, but not limited to, schools, churches, community centers, public libraries, recreation centers, shopping centers, laundromats, residential complexes, and buses.

The LHI seeks an experienced and qualified human services Offeror (“Contractor”), to develop and implement a culturally based program of outreach, engagement, and education services to facilitate access to County services and other community resources to the target population served by the LHI across the County.

Bid Holders

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