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Bid Holder For
Formal Solicitation Details
Solicitation Number
IFB # 1169023
Bid Opening/
RFP Closing Date
Nov 6 2024 11:00AM
Locks and Hardware: Southern Folger Institutional Locks OEM
None to Date
Technical Contact:
Keith Powers
[email protected]

Procurement Specialist:
Penny Perrus Karakaya
(240) 777-9925
[email protected]

The County will award this contract up to two responsible bidders submitting the lowest responsive bid, as determined by the Director, Office of Procurement. The lowest bid is determined by highest discount rate offered off catalog pricing. The responsible bidder submitting the highest discounted and responsive bid for the group will be the Primary Contractor, the second highest and responsive bid for that group will be the secondary contractor (if applicable). The County reserves the right to cancel or not to award a Group, at its sole discretion.

The County intends to award up to 2 (two) Contracts as a result of this solicitation.

The Department of General Services (DGS) will be the authorized user of the Contracts resulting from this Solicitation. The Contractor is not to perform any work under the Contract for any other County agency.

Bid Holders

The solicitation and all amendments can be downloaded using one of the two options below.

If you only want to view the solicitation, please select Option 1, and you will not receive e-mail or other communications regarding this solicitation.

If you are intending to respond to this solicitation and would like to receive e-mail communications (including solicitation amendments) regarding this solicitation, please select Option 2. Regardless of what option you choose, it is still the responsibility of the bidder/offeror to frequently visit the Office of Procurement's website to obtain solicitation amendments.

Link to Solicitation
Contact Option (option 2)
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