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Bid Holder For
Formal Solicitation Details
Solicitation Number
RFP # 1135793
Bid Opening/
RFP Closing Date
Oct 16 2024 2:00PM
Language Interpreter Services
Amendment #1 has been issued
Technical Contact:
Ryan Mattsson
[email protected]

Procurement Specialist:
Sarah McRae
(240) 777-9945
[email protected]

It is the County's intent to enter into a contract with a qualified offeror to provide voice, foreign language interpretation services, enabling the County's PSAP and multiple County departments to maintain a high level of quality service to residents and visitors to Montgomery County who are unable to communicate effectively in English to facilitate communications in their interactions with Montgomery County, Maryland. There is no guarantee of any specific amount or volume of services to be provided or of any specific amount of funds to be encumbered under any contract resulting from this Solicitation.

The Offeror and all individuals providing language services must be free of all obligations and interests which conflict with the best interest of the code of ethics developed by the Montgomery County Government.

Bid Holders

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