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Bid Holder For
Formal Solicitation Details
Solicitation Number
IFB # 1166756
Bid Opening/
RFP Closing Date
Nov 13 2024 11:00AM
Burtonsville Access Road
Amendments #1, #2, #3 and #4 have been issued
Pre-Submission Conference
Microsoft Teams Meeting (See Solicitation for Details)
Sep 27 2024 10:00AM
Technical Contact:
Michelle Haley
[email protected]

Procurement Specialist:
Jing Chen
(240) 777-9916
[email protected]

Construction items for which quantities are identified in the “Schedule of Prices” pages of the Invitation for Bids as Contingent are established for the purpose of obtaining bids on one or more pay items that may be incorporated into the project.

The Engineer will have sole discretion in determining whether and to what extent these items will be incorporated into the project. The Engineer may order these items to be used at any location within the project and anytime during the work. In most cases contingent items will not be shown on the Plans. The estimated quantities specified in the Invitation for Bids for these items are present solely for the purpose of obtaining a representative bid price. The total of actual quantities required for the construction may only be a fraction of or many times the estimated quantity. The Requirements of GP-4.04
(Variations in Estimated Quantities) will NOT apply and TC-7.08 (Eliminated Items) shall apply.

Bid Holders

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If you are intending to respond to this solicitation and would like to receive e-mail communications (including solicitation amendments) regarding this solicitation, please select Option 2. Regardless of what option you choose, it is still the responsibility of the bidder/offeror to frequently visit the Office of Procurement's website to obtain solicitation amendments.

Link to Solicitation
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