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Bid Holder For
Formal Solicitation Details

This Solicitation is Reserved for the Local Small Business Reserve Program

Solicitation Number
RFP # 1154151
Bid Opening/
RFP Closing Date
May 26 2023 3:00PM
Emergency Management Staffing Support
None to Date
Technical Contact:
Michael Goldfarb
[email protected]

Procurement Specialist:
Michael Rivas
240 777 9900
[email protected]

Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (OEMHS) intends to contract at least one firm and potentially up to three firms experienced in providing contract staff to support the work of emergency management offices. Contract staff may be needed for a period of 40 hours per week for up to 52 weeks in a year.

In general, work under this RFP will be issued by the County on a task-order basis for assignments related to a wide variety of emergency management services and support to include but not limited to planning, training, exercises, coordination project management, grant management, updates, and support services.

Over the term of the Contract additional task order assignments may be issued. The County will request a proposal for the performance of such work from the Contractor. In response to the County’s request, the Contractor will provide a proposal which must include, at a minimum, the scope of work for the task, key personnel requirements, project schedule, deliverables, and fully burdened personnel and direct costs. Upon the acceptance of such proposal by the County, and at the County’s sole discretion, the County will issue a separate purchase order and Notice to Proceed for the additional assigned tasks. The County does not guarantee issuance of any tasks.

Bid Holders

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