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Bid Holder For
Formal Solicitation Details

This Solicitation is Reserved for the Local Small Business Reserve Program

Solicitation Number
RFP # 1143912
Bid Opening/
RFP Closing Date
Apr 25 2023 3:00PM
Manual and Video Turning Counts, Spot Speed Distribution Studies and Random Mechanical Counts
None to Date
Pre-Submission Conference
Microsoft Teams Meeting (See Solicitation for Details)
Apr 12 2023 10:00AM
Technical Contact:
Mark Terry
+1 2407772198
[email protected]

Procurement Specialist:
Eric Harris
(240) 777-9922
[email protected]

The purpose of this contract is to supplement traffic data collection performed by County staff. The counts are intended to provide timely traffic volume and speed data for use in studies and evaluations of potential development and project proposals. 

It is the County's intent to enter into a contract with a qualified and competent professional traffic engineering firm for the collection of traffic speed and volume data by performing and tabulating: manual turning movement counts, video turning movement counts, spot speed distribution studies and random mechanical counts at locations designated by the County. The County intends to contract with the selected offeror for this work to be done on a "requirements" (as needed) basis, an all-inclusive fixed unit price (in terms of dollars per person-hour of counting, dollars per day, or dollars per count, as specified for each type of count.

Manual Turning Movement Counts

Whenever assigned by the County to do so, the Contractor will provide personnel, equipment, and vehicles to perform manual turning movement counts at intersections and other locations as designated by the County. A manual turning movement count is define! as the mechanical or electronic collection and tabulation of manually-input vehicle turning movement volume data gathered from direct field observations.
The tabulated turning movement count data will be provided to the County on a digital storage device containing EXCEL, PDF, and PPD File Format and on an original (hard c /) plus one photocopy of each specified form. 

Bid Holders

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