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Bid Holder For
Formal Solicitation Details

This Solicitation is Reserved for the Local Small Business Reserve Program

Solicitation Number
RFP # 1146111
Bid Opening/
RFP Closing Date
Mar 16 2023 3:00PM
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Instructors and Preceptors
None to Date
Technical Contact:
Joseph Hayunga
+1 2407738214
[email protected]

Procurement Specialist:
Karen DeLuca
(240) 777-9917
[email protected]

Montgomery County, through its Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS), has a vital role in training first responders in how to provide emergency medical services (EMS). Providing this specialized training to front-line personnel is necessary to ensure that Montgomery County residents receive quality emergency care when calling 911. The demand for training continues to grow, and the County is committed to ensuring that all MCFRS front-line personnel are trained to perform at a peak level in their respective roles.

The County is seeking a qualified entity that can provide year-round Instructors, Preceptors, and evaluators for the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) training programs offered at the Fire and Rescue Training Academy (FRTA) and various clinical training sites. The Contractor will be responsible for providing a pool of qualified Instructors that can collectively complete an estimated 3,124 annual teaching hours.

The County intends to award up to four (4) contracts, one (1) contract per Group, as a result of this Request for Proposals (RFP). The total value of anticipated annual needs for all the services described in this solicitation is approximately $400,000. This amount is an estimate only, and the County makes no guarantee to the number of hours needed and is subject to County Council appropriations each fiscal year. All compensation payable under any contract resulting from this solicitation is subject to and contingent upon the County’s appropriation and encumbrance of funding for this program described in this solicitation.


Bid Holders

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