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Bid Holder For
Formal Solicitation Details

This Solicitation is Reserved for the Local Small Business Reserve Program

Solicitation Number
IFB # 1135593
Bid Opening/
RFP Closing Date
Mar 17 2022 11:00AM
Reproduction and Copying of Engineering Drawings
Amendment #1 has been issued
Technical Contact:
Richard Taylor
+1 2407776135
[email protected]

Procurement Specialist:
Sarah McRae
(240) 777-9945
[email protected]

A. Materials
The materials which are to be used in the performance of this contract shall conform to the minimal specifications listed below:
Item Description
1. Copy Bond, Opaque paper, shall be at least 20 lbs weight. The size of copy bonds and number of copy bonds to be bound, are unknown at the time of this solicitation, and are expected to change from project to project. The square footage cost shall include the cost for binding any size. The number of bound editions per order may also vary from project to project.
2. Reproduce prints on mylar - not less than 4 mil thick.
3. Blow-ups OIC, and/or Reductions – Xerox Mylar or equal to; not less than 4 mil thick, double matte, black line. (OIC mean Original Intermediate Copy).
4. Blow-ups OIC, and/or Reductions - Photo Wash-off Mylar; not less than 4 mil thick, double matte, black line. (OIC means Original Intermediate Copy).
5. Color Copies - 8-1/2” x 11”, laser paper, white, 24 lb. paper.
6. Color Copies - 11” x 17”, laser paper, white, 24 lb. paper.
7. Black and White Cover Stock
a. 8-1/2” x 11”, white, 40 lb. paper.
b. 11 x 17”, white, 40 lb. paper.
8. Color Cover Stock
a. 8-1/2” x 11”, color paper, 80 lb. paper.
b. 11” x 17”, color paper, 80 lb. paper.
9. Digital Reductions of Drawings
a. Digital Reductions of Drawings (Bound in Sets), reduce from 24” x 36” to 11” x 17”, bound in sets, white, at least 20 lb. weight. The number of drawings to be bound is unknown at the time of this solicitation and is expected to change from project to project. The square footage cost shall include the cost for binding any quantity of drawings into a bound edition. The number of bound editions per order may also vary from project to project.
b. Digital Reductions of Drawings (Bound in Sets), reduce<

Bid Holders

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