| Number
Resolution 17-1242
| Title Resolution Regarding the Review and County Government Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Andrews, Elrich, Leventhal, Navarro, Rice, Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 09-23-2014 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 17-1123
| Title Fuel/energy Tax - Rates | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Andrews | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 04-01-2014 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 17-1079
| Title Resolution to urge Maryland Public Service Commission to utilize its complete authority and discretion when reviewing the sale of PEPCO to Exelon Corporation | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Andrews, Branson, Elrich, Leventhal, Navarro, Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 05-06-2014 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 17-1060
| Title Resolution to urge Merchants with Pharmacies to Stop Selling Cigarettes in Montgomery County Retail Outlets | Sponsor(s) Council Vice President Leventhal, Floreen, Riemer, Navarro, Andrews | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 04-22-2014 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 17-912
| Title Affirming the Council's commitment to anti-poverty and safety net programs | Sponsor(s) Council President Navarro, Council Vice President Rice, Andrews, Berliner, Elrich, Ervin, Floreen, Leventhal, Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 09-24-2013 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 17-884
| Title Resolution Supporting Maryland Minimum Wage Increase | Sponsor(s) Elrich, Ervin, Council President Navarro, Berliner, Andrews, Floreen, Leventhal, Riemer, Rice | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 09-24-2013 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 17-867
| Title Affirming the Council’s Commitment to Increasing Voter Participation, Improving Election Practices, and Supporting an Affirmative Right to Vote | Sponsor(s) Council President Navarro, Council Vice President Rice, Andrews, Berliner, Elrich, Ervin, Floreen, Leventhal, Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 09-10-2013 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 17-856
| Title Special Appropriation to the FY14 Operating Budget, Montgomery County Government, Department of Correction and Rehabilitation - One Stop Career Center Program - $80,000 | Sponsor(s) Andrews | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 07-16-2013 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 17-821
| Title Equitable access to e-books for Montgomery County Public Libraries | Sponsor(s) Council Vice President Rice, Leventhal, Council President Navarro, Andrews, Ervin, Berliner, Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 07-16-2013 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 17-631
| Title Recommendation to the General Assembly to Enhance Anti-Bullying Efforts through the use of Multi-disciplinary Teams | Sponsor(s) Ervin, Rice, Navarro, Floreen, Andrews, Riemer, Leventhal | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 12-04-2012 | Status Adopted |