| Number
Resolution 18-1302
| Title Special Appropriation to the Fiscal Year 2019 Operating Budget Montgomery County Government Department of Health and Human Services African American Health Program $92,460 (Source of Funds: General Fund Reserves) | Sponsor(s) Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice, Navarro, Leventhal, Katz, Floreen, Hucker, Berliner, Elrich | Intro Date 11-13-2018 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 18-1275
| Title Special Appropriation to the FY19 Operating Budget Montgomery County Government Department of Finance Economic Development Fund, Small Business Assistance Program - $200,000 | Sponsor(s) Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) Riemer, Elrich, Rice, Leventhal, Berliner, Hucker, Katz, Floreen | Intro Date 10-16-2018 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 18-1266
| Title Special Appropriation to the Fiscal Year 2019 Operating Budget Montgomery County Government Department of Health and Human Services Behavioral Health and Crisis Services; Adult Drug Court $70,799 (Source of Funds: General Fund Reserves) | Sponsor(s) Katz | Co-Sponsor(s) Floreen, Elrich, Hucker, Leventhal | Intro Date 09-11-2018 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 18-1095
| Title Resolution to Develop an Equity Policy Framework in County Government | Sponsor(s) Navarro, Elrich | Co-Sponsor(s) Floreen, Leventhal, Katz, Berliner, Riemer, Hucker, Rice | Intro Date 04-24-2018 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 18-1082
| Title Opposition to a Citizenship Question on the 2020 Decennial Census | Sponsor(s) Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) Elrich, Katz, Berliner, Riemer, Floreen, Leventhal, Rice, Hucker | Intro Date 04-10-2018 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 18-1015
| Title Prescription Drug Affordability Initiative | Sponsor(s) Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Katz, Leventhal | Intro Date 01-23-2018 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 18-667
| Title Amendment to the FY17-22 Capital Improvements Program and Special Appropriation to the FY17 Capital Budget Montgomery County Government Department of Transportation Resurfacing: Residential/Rural Roads (No. 500511), $8,000,000 | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Navarro, Katz, Rice, Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Elrich, Leventhal | Intro Date 11-15-2016 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 18-659
| Title Resolution to adopt Bill 33-16, Eating and Drinking Establishments – Food Allergen Awareness Training as a Board of Health Regulation | Sponsor(s) Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) Leventhal, Katz, Rice | Intro Date 11-01-2016 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 18-456
| Title Resolution condemning anti-LGBT discrimination laws and calling on the County Executive to suspend official County travel to jurisdictions where those laws are in place | Sponsor(s) Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) Floreen, Berliner, Elrich, Hucker, Leventhal, Rice, Riemer | Intro Date 04-19-2016 | Status Adopted |
| Number
Resolution 18-406
| Title Opposition to Oil and Gas Development in the Atlantic Ocean | Sponsor(s) Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice, Elrich, Berliner, Leventhal, Riemer | Intro Date 03-01-2016 | Status Adopted |