| Number
Bill 30-14
| Title Streets and Roads - Right-of-way Permit - Fee - Exemption | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Riemer, Elrich, Leventhal, Floreen, Andrews, Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 05-06-2014 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 17-14
| Title Property Tax Credit - Senior Citizens of Limited Income | Sponsor(s) Riemer, Andrews, Branson, Floreen, Navarro, Berliner, Rice | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 03-04-2014 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 16-14
| Title Elections - Public Campaign Financing | Sponsor(s) Andrews, Elrich, Berliner, Riemer, Leventhal, Rice, Navarro, Floreen, Branson | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 02-04-2014 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 13-14
| Title Contracts and Procurement - Formal Solicitation - Local Preference | Sponsor(s) Navarro, Riemer, Elrich, Floreen, Branson, Andrews | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 02-04-2014 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 12-14
| Title Personnel - Telecommuting - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Floreen, Riemer, Leventhal, Elrich, Andrews, Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 01-28-2014 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 11-14
| Title Buildings - Electric Vehicle Charging Station Permits - Expedited Review | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Floreen, Riemer, Leventhal, Elrich, Andrews, Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 01-28-2014 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 10-14
| Title Buildings - Solar Permits - Expedited Review | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Floreen, Riemer, Leventhal, Rice, Elrich, Andrews, Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 01-28-2014 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 9-14
| Title Environmental Sustainability - Renewable Energy - County Purchase | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Leventhal, Floreen, Riemer, Andrews, Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 01-28-2014 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 8-14
| Title Buildings - County Buildings - Clean Energy Renewable Technology | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Floreen, Riemer, Elrich, Andrews, Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 01-28-2014 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 7-14
| Title Contracts and Procurement - Certified Green Business Program | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Floreen, Riemer, Rice, Elrich, Andrews, Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 01-28-2014 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 6-14
| Title Environmental Sustainability - Office of Sustainability - Established | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Floreen, Riemer, Leventhal, Andrews, Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 01-28-2014 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 5-14
| Title Environmental Sustainability - Social Cost of Carbon Assessments | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Floreen, Riemer, Elrich, Andrews, Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 01-28-2014 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 4-14
| Title Streets and Roads - County Street Lights | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Floreen, Riemer, Leventhal, Elrich, Andrews, Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 01-28-2014 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 3-14
| Title Buildings - Energy Efficiency - Energy Standards | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Elrich, Floreen, Navarro, Andrews, Leventhal | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 01-28-2014 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 2-14
| Title Environmental Sustainability - Buildings - Benchmarking | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Floreen, Riemer, Andrews, Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 01-28-2014 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 32-13
| Title Motor Vehicles and Traffic - Off-Street Public Parking Regulations - Plug-in Vehicles | Sponsor(s) Riemer, Berliner, Andrews, Leventhal | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 12-10-2013 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 30-13
| Title Taxation - Property Tax Credit - Burtonsville Enterprise Zone Property | Sponsor(s) Ervin, Rice, Berliner, Elrich, Navarro, Floreen, Andrews, Leventhal, Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 11-05-2013 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 9-13
| Title Collective Bargaining - Impasse - Arbitration Panel | Sponsor(s) Andrews | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 03-19-2013 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 38-12
| Title Capital Improvements Program - Child Care Assessment | Sponsor(s) Riemer, Floreen, Andrews, Navarro, Ervin, Rice, Berliner | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 12-04-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 37-12
| Title Housing - Capital Improvements Program - Affordable Housing Assessment | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Riemer, Ervin, Floreen, Leventhal, Andrews, Navarro, Rice | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 11-27-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 33-12
| Title Bill 33-12, Health and Sanitation - Smoking - County Property | Sponsor(s) Floreen, Navarro, Rice, Riemer, Leventhal, Elrich, Andrews | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 11-27-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 32-12
| Title Personnel - Regulations - Persons with Disabilities - Noncompetitive Appointment; (This Act may be cited as the “Expanded Hiring of Persons with Disabilities Act.)” | Sponsor(s) Andrews, Rice, Navarro, Leventhal, Ervin, Floreen, Elrich, Berliner, Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 11-13-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 26-12
| Title Swimming Pools - Defibrillators | Sponsor(s) Leventhal, Riemer, Rice, Navarro, Andrews, Elrich, Floreen | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 09-11-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 25-12
| Title Taxation - Impact Tax - Bikesharing | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Ervin, Riemer, Elrich, Leventhal, Andrews, Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 09-11-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 23-12
| Title Administration - Open Data | Sponsor(s) Riemer, Andrews, Berliner, Leventhal, Floreen, Navarro, Ervin | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 07-31-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 11-12E
| Title County Property - Disposition | Sponsor(s) Leventhal, Elrich, Berliner, Andrews, Riemer, Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 03-13-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 1-12
| Title Personnel - Special Days of Commemoration - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Ervin, Floreen, Navarro, Riemer, Andrews, Rice, Elrich, Berliner | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 01-17-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 37-11
| Title Motor Vehicles and Traffic - School Bus Safety Cameras | Sponsor(s) Ervin, Andrews, Rice, Berliner, Elrich, Navarro, Riemer, Floreen, Leventhal | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 11-29-2011 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 35-11
| Title Offenses - Loitering or Prowling - Established | Sponsor(s) Andrews | Co-Sponsor(s) Leventhal, Rice | Intro Date 10-25-2011 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 12-11
| Title Bill 12-11, Ethics - Gifts - County Employees - Roadside Solicitation | Sponsor(s) Andrews | Co-Sponsor(s) Ervin, Rice | Intro Date 04-05-2011 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 58-10
| Title Contracts and Procurement - Sale of Surplus School - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Andrews | Co-Sponsor(s) Ervin, Elrich | Intro Date 12-07-2010 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 41-10E
| Title Domestic Violence Coordinating Council - Membership | Sponsor(s) Andrews | Co-Sponsor(s) Trachtenberg, Navarro, Ervin | Intro Date 06-29-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 16-10E
| Title Personnel - Retirement - Imputed Compensation Limit | Sponsor(s) Andrews | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 04-06-2010 | Status Enacted |