| Number
Bill 41-12
| Title Streets and Roads - Roadside Trees - Protection | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Elrich | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 12-11-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 40-12
| Title Economic Development - Green [[Organization Supplements]] Investor Incentive Program | Sponsor(s) Berliner | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 12-04-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 39-12
| Title Technical Corrections | Sponsor(s) County Council | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 12-04-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 38-12
| Title Capital Improvements Program - Child Care Assessment | Sponsor(s) Riemer, Floreen, Andrews, Navarro, Ervin, Rice, Berliner | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 12-04-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 37-12
| Title Housing - Capital Improvements Program - Affordable Housing Assessment | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Riemer, Ervin, Floreen, Leventhal, Andrews, Navarro, Rice | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 11-27-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 36-12
| Title Taxation - Hotel/Motel Tax - Use of Revenues | Sponsor(s) Floreen, Rice, Berliner, Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 11-27-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 35-12
| Title Trees - Tree Canopy Conservation | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 11-27-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 34-12E
| Title Expedited Bill 34-12, Stormwater Management - Water Quality Protection Charge | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 11-27-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 33-12
| Title Bill 33-12, Health and Sanitation - Smoking - County Property | Sponsor(s) Floreen, Navarro, Rice, Riemer, Leventhal, Elrich, Andrews | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 11-27-2012 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 32-12
| Title Personnel - Regulations - Persons with Disabilities - Noncompetitive Appointment; (This Act may be cited as the “Expanded Hiring of Persons with Disabilities Act.)” | Sponsor(s) Andrews, Rice, Navarro, Leventhal, Ervin, Floreen, Elrich, Berliner, Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 11-13-2012 | Status Enacted |