| Number
Bill 33-22
| Title Capital Improvements Program – Affordable Housing Feasibility Study – Required | Sponsor(s) Friedson | Co-Sponsor(s) Albornoz, Balcombe, Fani-Gonzalez, Katz, Stewart, Mink, Sayles, Jawando, Riemer, Rice, Navarro, Glass | Intro Date 11-15-2022 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 21-22E
| Title Weapons – Firearms In or Near Places of Public Assembly | Sponsor(s) Albornoz | Co-Sponsor(s) Hucker, Friedson, Glass, Rice, Navarro, Riemer, Jawando, Katz | Intro Date 07-12-2022 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 10-22
| Title Personnel and Human Resources – Paid Parental Leave | Sponsor(s) Friedson | Co-Sponsor(s) Albornoz, Glass, Hucker, Jawando, Katz, Navarro, Rice, Riemer | Intro Date 06-14-2022 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 4-22
| Title Human Rights and Civil Liberties - Public Accommodations - Gender Inclusive Restrooms | Sponsor(s) Katz, Glass | Co-Sponsor(s) Jawando, Friedson, Albornoz, Navarro, Hucker, Riemer, Rice | Intro Date 02-15-2022 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 3-22
| Title Legislative Branch - Climate Assessments - Required | Sponsor(s) Hucker, Albornoz | Co-Sponsor(s) Friedson, Glass, Navarro, Katz, Riemer, Jawando, Rice | Intro Date 02-01-2022 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 45-21E
| Title Elections - Public Campaign Financing - Restrictions | Sponsor(s) Glass, Katz, Riemer, Albornoz | Co-Sponsor(s) Navarro, Rice, Hucker | Intro Date 11-16-2021 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 44-21
| Title Montgomery County Green Bank - Funding - Fuel-energy tax revenue | Sponsor(s) Hucker, Friedson | Co-Sponsor(s) Riemer, Navarro, Katz, Albornoz, Rice, Jawando | Intro Date 11-16-2021 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 39-21
| Title Taxation – Public Safety Officers – Public Safety Emergency Communications Specialists – Property Tax Credit | Sponsor(s) Hucker, Albornoz | Co-Sponsor(s) Navarro, Katz, Friedson, Jawando, Glass, Rice | Intro Date 10-19-2021 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 38-21
| Title Economic Development Fund – Local Business Child Care Grant Program - Established | Sponsor(s) Albornoz, Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) Katz, Friedson, Riemer, Hucker, Glass, Rice, Jawando | Intro Date 10-19-2021 | Status Worksession |
| Number
Bill 37-21
| Title Animal Control – Animal Services Advisory Committee - Established | Sponsor(s) Albornoz | Co-Sponsor(s) Hucker, Navarro, Katz, Jawando, Rice, Riemer, Glass | Intro Date 10-19-2021 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 35-21
| Title Prevailing Wage Requirements - Construction Contracts - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Hucker, Jawando | Co-Sponsor(s) Glass, Rice, Albornoz, Katz, Riemer, Navarro | Intro Date 10-12-2021 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 19-21
| Title Finance – Reports on Settlement Agreements | Sponsor(s) Jawando | Co-Sponsor(s) Hucker, Glass, Riemer, Rice, Navarro | Intro Date 05-18-2021 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 18-21
| Title Police - Internal Affairs - Procedures and Reporting Requirements | Sponsor(s) Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Jawando, Riemer, Glass, Navarro, Rice, Albornoz | Intro Date 05-18-2021 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 14-21E
| Title Finance - Working Families Income Supplement - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Albornoz, Navarro, Katz | Co-Sponsor(s) Hucker, Friedson, Rice, Glass, Riemer, Jawando | Intro Date 04-20-2021 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 11-21
| Title Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation - Bylaws - Live Video Streaming of Open Meetings | Sponsor(s) Glass | Co-Sponsor(s) Hucker, Jawando, Katz, Navarro, Albornoz, Rice | Intro Date 03-02-2021 | Status Withdrawn |
| Number
Bill 5-21
| Title Agricultural Land Preservation – Solar Collection System – Dedication of Business Personal Property Tax Revenue | Sponsor(s) Friedson | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice, Katz | Intro Date 01-19-2021 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 4-21
| Title Weapons – Protection of Minors and Public Places - Restrictions Against Ghost Guns and Undetectable Guns | Sponsor(s) Albornoz | Co-Sponsor(s) Hucker, Katz, Jawando, Navarro, Friedson, Rice, Riemer, Glass | Intro Date 01-19-2021 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 3-21
| Title Special Taxing Area Laws – Silver Spring Business Improvement District – Established | Sponsor(s) Riemer, Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Friedson, Katz, Navarro, Rice | Intro Date 01-12-2021 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 51-20
| Title Landlord-Tenant Relations - Window Guards | Sponsor(s) Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Albornoz, Navarro, Rice, Riemer, Katz, Jawando | Intro Date 12-08-2020 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 50-20E
| Title Landlord-Tenant Relations - Fire Safety - Replacement of Mercury Service Regulators | Sponsor(s) Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Riemer, Albornoz, Navarro, Katz, Rice, Jawando | Intro Date 12-08-2020 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 49-20
| Title Human Rights and Civil Liberties - Discrimination in Rental Housing - Fair Criminal History and Credit Screenings (“Housing Justice Act”) | Sponsor(s) Glass, Katz | Co-Sponsor(s) Jawando, Rice, Navarro, Riemer | Intro Date 12-08-2020 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 45-20
| Title Police - Community Policing - Data | Sponsor(s) Jawando, Katz, Hucker, Albornoz | Co-Sponsor(s) Riemer, Rice, Friedson, Navarro, Glass | Intro Date 11-17-2020 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 44-20
| Title Racial Equity and Social Justice - Impact Statements - Advisory Committee Amendments | Sponsor(s) Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) Jawando, Albornoz, Hucker, Riemer, Friedson, Katz, Glass, Rice | Intro Date 09-29-2020 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 43-20
| Title Non-merit Employees - Merit System Employees - Severance Pay - Limited | Sponsor(s) Friedson | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice, Katz, Glass, Navarro, Hucker | Intro Date 09-29-2020 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 42-20
| Title Ethics - Public Accountability and Transparency - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Friedson | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice, Katz, Glass, Navarro, Hucker | Intro Date 09-29-2020 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 40-20E
| Title Uniform Trader's License Fee | Sponsor(s) Glass, Friedson | Co-Sponsor(s) Navarro, Rice, Albornoz, Katz, Riemer | Intro Date 09-15-2020 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 29-20
| Title Taxation - Payments in Lieu of Taxes - WMATA property - Established | Sponsor(s) Riemer, Friedson | Co-Sponsor(s) Glass, Navarro, Katz, Albornoz, Hucker, Rice | Intro Date 07-07-2020 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 28-20
| Title Human Rights and Civil Liberties - Discrimination in Public Accommodations - LGBTQ Bill of Rights | Sponsor(s) Glass | Co-Sponsor(s) Katz, Jawando, Hucker, Riemer, Albornoz, Friedson, Navarro, Rice | Intro Date 07-07-2020 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 18-20E
| Title Landlord-Tenant Relations - Rent Stabilization During Emergencies | Sponsor(s) Jawando | Co-Sponsor(s) Katz, Rice, Navarro | Intro Date 04-14-2020 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 17-20E
| Title Carryout Bag Tax - Suspension | Sponsor(s) Jawando | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice, Albornoz, Katz, Riemer, Navarro, Friedson | Intro Date 03-31-2020 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 14-20
| Title Human Rights and Civil Liberties - Discriminatory Employment Practices - Workplace Harassment | Sponsor(s) Jawando | Co-Sponsor(s) Navarro, Glass, Albornoz, Hucker, Katz, Riemer, Rice | Intro Date 03-24-2020 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 2-20
| Title Bicycles - Registration - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Hucker, Jawando, Glass, Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) Katz, Navarro, Friedson, Albornoz, Rice | Intro Date 01-21-2020 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 39-19
| Title Contracts and Procurement - Local Small Business Reserve Program (LSBRP) - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Jawando | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice, Navarro, Riemer, Albornoz, Glass, Hucker, Katz, Friedson | Intro Date 12-03-2019 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 38-19
| Title Streets and Roads - Permit to Obstruct Public Rights-of-Way - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Friedson | Co-Sponsor(s) Glass, Jawando, Riemer, Albornoz, Hucker, Rice, Katz | Intro Date 12-03-2019 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 36-19
| Title Contracts and Procurement - Office of Grants Management - Established | Sponsor(s) Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) Hucker, Rice, Albornoz, Katz, Riemer | Intro Date 11-26-2019 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 31-19
| Title Health and Sanitation - Electronic Cigarettes - Distribution, Use, and Possession | Sponsor(s) Hucker, Albornoz | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice, Katz, Riemer, Glass, Jawando, Navarro | Intro Date 09-24-2019 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 30-19
| Title Human Rights and Civil Liberties - Race Discrimination - Protective Hairstyles (CROWN Act) | Sponsor(s) Jawando, Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) Riemer, Hucker, Albornoz, Glass, Rice | Intro Date 09-24-2019 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 27-19
| Title Administration - Human Rights - Office of Racial Equity and Social Justice - Racial Equity and Social Justice Committee - Established | Sponsor(s) Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) Jawando, Rice, Hucker, Riemer, Katz, Albornoz, Friedson, Glass | Intro Date 09-17-2019 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 20-19
| Title Landlord-Tenant Relations - Licensing of Rental Housing - Fee Exemption | Sponsor(s) Friedson | Co-Sponsor(s) Jawando, Riemer, Albornoz, Navarro, Rice, Katz, Glass | Intro Date 06-25-2019 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 19-19E
| Title Economic Development - Workforce Development - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) Jawando, Riemer, Albornoz, Rice, Katz | Intro Date 06-18-2019 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 18-19
| Title Landlord Tenant Relations - Relocation Expenses | Sponsor(s) Jawando | Co-Sponsor(s) Katz, Hucker, Navarro, Rice | Intro Date 06-18-2019 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 13-19
| Title County Property - Disposition - Reuse Analysis | Sponsor(s) Albornoz | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice, Jawando, Friedson, Navarro, Katz, Riemer, Hucker, Glass | Intro Date 05-07-2019 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 12-19
| Title Human Rights and Civil Liberties - Building Maintenance Worker - Minimum Work Week | Sponsor(s) Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) Jawando, Hucker, Navarro, Rice | Intro Date 05-07-2019 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 10-19
| Title Legislative Branch - Economic Impact Statements - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Friedson | Co-Sponsor(s) Albornoz, Navarro, Katz, Rice, Glass, Hucker, Riemer, Jawando | Intro Date 05-07-2019 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 7-19
| Title Environmental Sustainability - Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program - New Construction | Sponsor(s) Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Navarro, Friedson, Riemer, Katz, Jawando, Rice, Glass, Albornoz | Intro Date 03-05-2019 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 6-19
| Title Landlord-Tenant Relations - Termination of Lease - Tenant Health and Safety | Sponsor(s) Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Friedson, Navarro, Jawando, Katz, Riemer, Rice, Glass, Albornoz | Intro Date 03-05-2019 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 4-19
| Title Personnel - Merit System - Requesting Salary History - Prohibited | Sponsor(s) Glass | Co-Sponsor(s) Navarro, Katz, Friedson, Jawando, Rice, Hucker, Riemer, Albornoz | Intro Date 03-05-2019 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 2-19
| Title Health - Lead in Drinking Water - Schools | Sponsor(s) Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Riemer, Katz, Albornoz, Navarro, Jawando, Rice, Friedson, Glass | Intro Date 02-05-2019 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 1-19
| Title Police - Officer Involved Death - Independent Investigation | Sponsor(s) Jawando | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice, Riemer, Navarro, Albornoz, Katz, Friedson, Glass, Hucker | Intro Date 01-15-2019 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 35-18
| Title Health and Sanitation - Smoking- Outdoor Serving Areas | Sponsor(s) Katz | Co-Sponsor(s) Riemer, Elrich, Rice, Albornoz | Intro Date 10-02-2018 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 33-18
| Title Environmental Sustainability - Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program - Property Tax Surcharge | Sponsor(s) Berliner | Co-Sponsor(s) Katz, Elrich, Riemer, Hucker, Navarro, Rice | Intro Date 10-02-2018 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 30-18
| Title Finance - Accessibility Features Supplement - Established | Sponsor(s) Leventhal | Co-Sponsor(s) Katz, Riemer, Navarro, Hucker, Elrich, Berliner, Floreen, Rice | Intro Date 09-18-2018 | Status Worksession |
| Number
Bill 18-18E
| Title Human Rights and Civil Liberties - Human Trafficking Prevention Committee - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice, Katz, Navarro, Berliner, Riemer, Elrich | Intro Date 05-15-2018 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 17-18E
| Title Property Tax Credit-Elderly Individuals and Retired Military Services Members - Application | Sponsor(s) Leventhal | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice, Katz, Floreen, Navarro, Hucker | Intro Date 05-01-2018 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 16-18E
| Title Taxation - Transportation Mitigation Payment - Credit | Sponsor(s) Floreen | Co-Sponsor(s) Katz, Rice, Navarro | Intro Date 05-01-2018 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 15-18
| Title Economic Development - Workforce Development - Green Jobs Apprenticeship Program | Sponsor(s) Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Leventhal, Elrich, Rice, Navarro, Katz, Berliner | Intro Date 04-17-2018 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 7-18
| Title Streets and Roads - Installation of County Communications Infrastructure | Sponsor(s) Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) Berliner, Elrich, Rice, Hucker | Intro Date 03-06-2018 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 6-18
| Title Contracts - Labor Peace Agreements - Displaced Service Workers - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Elrich, Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice, Navarro | Intro Date 03-06-2018 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 41-17
| Title Economic Development Fund - Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Matching Grant Program - Established | Sponsor(s) Leventhal | Co-Sponsor(s) Riemer, Rice, Elrich, Berliner, Katz, Navarro, Hucker, Floreen | Intro Date 12-12-2017 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 35-17
| Title Finance - Payments to Service Providers | Sponsor(s) Berliner | Co-Sponsor(s) Leventhal, Elrich, Katz, Floreen, Rice, Hucker, Riemer, Navarro | Intro Date 10-31-2017 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 34-17
| Title Housing - Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (MPDU) - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Floreen | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice | Intro Date 10-31-2017 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 32-17E
| Title Taxation - Development Impact Tax for Transportation and Public School Improvements - Definitions - Senior Residential | Sponsor(s) Floreen | Co-Sponsor(s) Katz, Rice, Berliner | Intro Date 10-31-2017 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 22-17
| Title Homeowners’ Associations - Roadway Maintenance - Repeal | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Floreen, Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Katz, Rice, Navarro, Riemer, Elrich | Intro Date 06-27-2017 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 21-17
| Title Animal Control - Municipal Dog Exercise Area | Sponsor(s) Katz | Co-Sponsor(s) Berliner, Rice, Elrich | Intro Date 06-20-2017 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 13-17E
| Title Taxation - Property Tax Credit for Retired Military Services Members - Eligibility | Sponsor(s) Floreen | Co-Sponsor(s) Berliner, Rice, Katz, Navarro | Intro Date 05-02-2017 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 9-17
| Title Fuel-Energy Tax - Exemptions - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Leventhal | Co-Sponsor(s) Berliner, Elrich, Hucker, Katz, Rice, Riemer, Navarro | Intro Date 04-04-2017 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 8-17
| Title Executive Branch – Business Solutions Group - Established | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) Elrich, Navarro, Katz, Rice | Intro Date 04-04-2017 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 4-17
| Title Economic Development Fund - Small Business Assistance Program - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Elrich | Co-Sponsor(s) Floreen, Katz, Rice, Berliner | Intro Date 03-07-2017 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 1-17
| Title Contracts and Procurement - Vending Machine Service Contracts - Healthy Vending Standards | Sponsor(s) Leventhal | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice, Berliner, Navarro, Riemer, Elrich, Hucker | Intro Date 02-07-2017 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 49-16
| Title Economic Development - Workforce Development - Microlending Program | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Navarro, Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Floreen, Rice, Elrich, Katz, Riemer | Intro Date 12-13-2016 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 48-16
| Title Taxation - Credit to Offset Certain Income Tax Revenues - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Navarro, Katz, Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice | Intro Date 12-06-2016 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 42-16
| Title Taxation - Property Tax Credit - Elderly Individuals and Veterans | Sponsor(s) Floreen | Co-Sponsor(s) Navarro, Rice, Katz | Intro Date 10-18-2016 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 39-16
| Title Housing and Building Maintenance Standards - Registration of Vacant Property | Sponsor(s) Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Leventhal, Navarro, Berliner, Elrich, Riemer, Rice, Floreen | Intro Date 09-20-2016 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 38-16
| Title Housing and Building Maintenance Standards - Foreclosed Property Registration Penalty | Sponsor(s) Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Navarro, Berliner, Elrich, Riemer, Leventhal, Floreen, Rice | Intro Date 09-20-2016 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 33-16
| Title Eating and Drinking Establishments - Food Allergen Awareness Training | Sponsor(s) Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) Leventhal, Katz, Rice | Intro Date 08-02-2016 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 27-16
| Title Human Rights and Civil Liberties - Earned Sick and Safe Leave - Eligibility | Sponsor(s) Leventhal | Co-Sponsor(s) Berliner, Rice | Intro Date 06-28-2016 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 24-16E
| Title Collective Bargaining - Impasse Procedures - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Council President | Co-Sponsor(s) Councilmember Rice | Intro Date 06-21-2016 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 19-16
| Title Health and Sanitation - Strategic Plan to Achieve Food Security | Sponsor(s) Berliner | Co-Sponsor(s) Leventhal, Rice, Hucker, Navarro, Elrich, Katz, Riemer | Intro Date 04-19-2016 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 10-16E
| Title Taxation - Residential Real Property Tax Deferral - Senior Citizens | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Katz, Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) Floreen, Rice, Navarro, Elrich, Hucker | Intro Date 04-05-2016 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 5-16
| Title Tanning Facilities - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Floreen, Leventhal, Katz, Navarro, Rice, Berliner, Riemer, Elrich | Intro Date 03-01-2016 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 2-16
| Title Transient Housing - Licensing and Registration | Sponsor(s) Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice | Intro Date 02-02-2016 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 51-15E
| Title Non-merit employees - Salary Schedule - Established | Sponsor(s) Leventhal | Co-Sponsor(s) Elrich, Rice, Hucker | Intro Date 12-08-2015 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 33-15
| Title Taxicabs - Transportation Services Improvement Fund | Sponsor(s) Berliner | Co-Sponsor(s) Floreen, Rice, Riemer, Elrich, Katz, Navarro, Hucker | Intro Date 06-23-2015 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 32-15
| Title Vendors -Hours and Places of Operation | Sponsor(s) Riemer, Navarro | Co-Sponsor(s) Floreen, Leventhal, Katz, Rice, Elrich | Intro Date 06-16-2015 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 24-15E
| Title Human Rights - Minimum Wage - Tipped Employee - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Berliner | Co-Sponsor(s) Katz, Floreen, Rice | Intro Date 05-21-2015 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 18-15
| Title Environmental Sustainability - Montgomery County Green Bank | Sponsor(s) Berliner | Co-Sponsor(s) Leventhal, Hucker, Riemer, Elrich, Rice, Navarro, Katz | Intro Date 04-21-2015 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 17-15
| Title Motor Vehicle Towing and Immobilization on Private Property - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Berliner | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice, Katz, Navarro, Hucker, Riemer, Elrich, Floreen, Leventhal | Intro Date 04-14-2015 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 15-15
| Title Taxes - Excise Tax - Electronic Cigarettes | Sponsor(s) Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Leventhal, Berliner, Riemer, Floreen, Katz, Elrich, Navarro, Rice | Intro Date 04-14-2015 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 11-15
| Title Child Care Expansion and Quality Enhancement Initiative | Sponsor(s) Navarro, Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) Floreen, Elrich, Leventhal, Berliner, Katz, Rice, Hucker | Intro Date 03-03-2015 | Status Vetoed |
| Number
Bill 8-15
| Title Taxation - Development Impact Tax - Exemptions | Sponsor(s) Floreen | Co-Sponsor(s) Riemer, Rice, Katz, Navarro | Intro Date 02-03-2015 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 35-11
| Title Offenses - Loitering or Prowling - Established | Sponsor(s) Andrews | Co-Sponsor(s) Leventhal, Rice | Intro Date 10-25-2011 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 33-11
| Title Urban Renewal and Community Development - Community Benefits Agreements - Large Retail Stores | Sponsor(s) Ervin | Co-Sponsor(s) Navarro, Rice, Riemer, Elrich | Intro Date 10-11-2011 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 26-11E
| Title Taxation - Development Impact Taxes - Payment | Sponsor(s) Riemer | Co-Sponsor(s) Ervin, Berliner, Floreen, Leventhal, Navarro, Rice | Intro Date 09-13-2011 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 17-11
| Title Personnel - Other Post Employment Benefits Trust - County-funded Agency | Sponsor(s) Ervin | Co-Sponsor(s) Navarro, Floreen, Andrews, Riemer, Rice, Leventhal, Elrich, Berliner | Intro Date 05-26-2011 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 12-11
| Title Bill 12-11, Ethics - Gifts - County Employees - Roadside Solicitation | Sponsor(s) Andrews | Co-Sponsor(s) Ervin, Rice | Intro Date 04-05-2011 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 1-11
| Title Administration - Department of Health and Human Services - Duties | Sponsor(s) Leventhal | Co-Sponsor(s) Navarro, Rice | Intro Date 01-18-2011 | Status Enacted |