| Number
Bill 30-18
| Title Finance - Accessibility Features Supplement - Established | Sponsor(s) Leventhal | Co-Sponsor(s) Katz, Riemer, Navarro, Hucker, Elrich, Berliner, Floreen, Rice | Intro Date 09-18-2018 | Status Worksession |
| Number
Bill 17-18E
| Title Property Tax Credit-Elderly Individuals and Retired Military Services Members - Application | Sponsor(s) Leventhal | Co-Sponsor(s) Rice, Katz, Floreen, Navarro, Hucker | Intro Date 05-01-2018 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 41-17
| Title Economic Development Fund - Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Matching Grant Program - Established | Sponsor(s) Leventhal | Co-Sponsor(s) Riemer, Rice, Elrich, Berliner, Katz, Navarro, Hucker, Floreen | Intro Date 12-12-2017 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 35-17
| Title Finance - Payments to Service Providers | Sponsor(s) Berliner | Co-Sponsor(s) Leventhal, Elrich, Katz, Floreen, Rice, Hucker, Riemer, Navarro | Intro Date 10-31-2017 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 16-17E
| Title Swimming Pools - Lifeguards - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Katz | Co-Sponsor(s) Floreen, Elrich, Berliner | Intro Date 05-16-2017 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 4-17
| Title Economic Development Fund - Small Business Assistance Program - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Elrich | Co-Sponsor(s) Floreen, Katz, Rice, Berliner | Intro Date 03-07-2017 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 49-16
| Title Economic Development - Workforce Development - Microlending Program | Sponsor(s) Berliner, Navarro, Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Floreen, Rice, Elrich, Katz, Riemer | Intro Date 12-13-2016 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 39-16
| Title Housing and Building Maintenance Standards - Registration of Vacant Property | Sponsor(s) Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Leventhal, Navarro, Berliner, Elrich, Riemer, Rice, Floreen | Intro Date 09-20-2016 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 38-16
| Title Housing and Building Maintenance Standards - Foreclosed Property Registration Penalty | Sponsor(s) Hucker | Co-Sponsor(s) Navarro, Berliner, Elrich, Riemer, Leventhal, Floreen, Rice | Intro Date 09-20-2016 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 20-16
| Title Purchases from Minority Owned businesses - Enforcement of Subcontracting Plan - Request for Proposals - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Rice | Co-Sponsor(s) Leventhal, Navarro, Vice President Berliner, Elrich, Hucker, Katz, Riemer, Council President Floreen | Intro Date 05-17-2016 | Status Expired |