anchor Description
This project funds positions essential for implementation of the multi-year capital improvements program. Personnel provide project administration, in-house design, and engineering services in the Department of Facilities Management and the Division of Construction. An FY appropriation was approved to continue this level of effort project for salaries of current staff, legal fees and other non-reimbursable costs for MCPS real estate issues. An FY appropriation was approved to continue this level of effort project. An FY appropriation was approved for salaries of current staff, legal fees and other non-reimbursable costs for MCPS real estate issues. An FY appropriation was approved to continue this level of effort project. An FY appropriation was approved to continue this project and provide funds for salaries of current staff, legal fees and other non-reimbursable costs for MCPS real estate issues. The approved FY CIP reflects a level of effort increase for this project, which has not been increased for a number of years.
anchorFiscal Note
State Reimbursement: Not eligible
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Mandatory Referral - M-NCPPC, Department of Environmental Protection, Building Permits, Code Review, Fire Marshall, Department of Transportation, Inspections, Sediment Control, Stormwater Management, WSSC Permits FY -- Salaries and Wages: Fringe Benefits: Workyears: FY -- Salaries and Wages Fringe Benefits: Workyears: