anchor Description
This project provides for the purchase and replacement of fare collection equipment including vaults, bins, fareboxes, and validators for buses in the Ride On fleet. Farebox replacements under this project are in addition to those acquired and installed through bus fleet replacement and bus fleet expansion and are in accordance with the Federal Transportation Administration's guidelines.
anchorEstimated Schedule
funding provides for four vaults, eight bins and fareboxes. funds replacement of fareboxes and fareboxes will be replaced in
anchorCost Change
Cost increase provides for farebox replacements in through
anchor Justification
MCDOT Ride On, Ride On Extra, and Ride On Flex buses have fareboxes that are old and at end of life and need to be replaced. New depot fare collection equipment (e.g. vaults, bins) will also need to be ordered. The new fareboxes will allow customers to pay fares as they do today. Fareboxes need to be replaced in fiscal years through based upon the planned replacement schedule.
Department of General Services, Maryland Transit Administration, Ride On Bus Fleet Great Seneca Science Corridor Transit Improvements