anchor Description
This project provides for a comprehensive feasibility study and planning for the relocation of the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Bus Depot from the County Service Park on Crabbs Branch Way. Previous plans to acquire several sites for MCPS bus parking facilities to accommodate displaced buses when the site is redeveloped have been put on hold until an agreement can be reached on a project plan. It also includes staff supervision, consultant costs, demolition of existing improvements, and environmental clean up of the east side of Crabbs Branch Way.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Environmental clean up of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission facilities occurred in and demolition was completed in The Council intends that the Executive branch continue to work with MCPS to conduct a renewed site selection study for possible locations to replace the multiple functions on the current Shady Grove MCPS Transportation site. These include the central heavy maintenance facility and repair bays, MVA driver training course, and parking sufficient to replace the over buses currently housed at the Shady Grove location. Site identification should include multiple options and an implementation plan and timeline to transition that maintains continuity of services for MCPS. The implementation plan should also reflect the initiative to transition the MCPS fleet to electric over the next years.
anchorCost Change
Cost increase to add funding for community outreach, concept development, and preliminary design.
anchor Justification
In order to implement the County's Shady Grove Sector Plan which would capitalize on the existing investment in mass transit by creating a transit-oriented development community, the County Service Park must be relocated. Relocation of the facilities at the County Service Park will enable the County to realize both the transit-oriented development intended for the area and to address unmet needs. The County is faced with aging facilities that require extensive investment of funds to meet our needs. With the age of some of the facilities, the extent of the required investment must be weighed against the long-term ability of the facilities to satisfy current and future County needs. Plans and studies for this project include: M-NCPPC Shady Grove Sector Plan, approved by the Montgomery County Council, January adopted by the M-NCPPC, March Montgomery County Property Use Study Updated Briefing to County Council, April (based on Staubach Reports); Montgomery County Smart Growth Initiative Update to County Council, September
Planning funds in this project are programmed in conjunction with planning funds in the New Transit Maintenance Depot project (CIP No. Planning funds in these projects support community engagement, project scoping, and preliminary design for a shared use transit facility, central maintenance, and associated bus parking for Montgomery County Public Schools school buses and Ride-On transit buses. The shared facility is planned to be built on a portion of the Jeremiah Park parcel on Crabbs Branch Way in Derwood. The Department of General Services will provide monthly written progress reports to the Chairs of the Transportation and Environment and Education and Culture Committees. In addition to this shared use facility, other locations for bus parking and operations will need to be identified to fully house expanded operations of both fleets in the future.
A pedestrian impact analysis will be performed during design or is in progress.
Department of General Services, Department of Transportation, Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Department of Permitting Services, Department of Finance, Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions, Office of Management and Budget, and WSSC Water.