anchor Description
This project provides for the replacement of the existing Glen Road Bridge over Sandy Branch. The existing bridge, built in and repaired in is a single-span concrete slab structure with concrete abutments and wingwalls. The bridge provides a wide clear roadway. The proposed replacement bridge includes a two-cell box culvert carrying an roadway and a shoulder on each side. The project includes approach roadway work at each end of the bridge to tie into the existing roadway. The project also includes of stream restoration. The area of stream restoration on the upstream side is increased, thus increasing the limit of disturbance of the project. The bridge and road will be closed to traffic during construction. Accelerated bridge construction techniques will be utilized to minimize the disruption to the traveling public and local community.
The roadway Average Daily Traffic (ADT) is approximately vehicles.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Design is expected to be completed in the summer of Construction is scheduled to begin in the summer of and complete in the fall of The bridge will be closed to traffic during the school summer break of
anchorCost Change
Cost increases due to increased stream restoration on the upstream side of the bridge requested by The Glenstone Foundation, plus inflation, and escalation of bid prices.
anchor Justification
The proposed replacement work is necessary to provide a safe roadway condition for the traveling public. The bridge inspection report for Bridge No. indicates that there are concrete spalls on the north fascia, and at the northeast corner of the soffit. There is a diameter x deep spall with exposed reinforcement adjacent to the west abutment. There is a long hairline crack with minor spalling up to high and delamination in the northwest wing wall interface with the north fascia. There is a deep spall and full height vertical fracture in the southeast wing wall interface with the east abutment. The bridge is currently posted for a lbs. limit for a single-unit truck and a lbs. limit for a combination-unit truck. Implementation of this project would allow the bridge to be restored to full capacity. The Potomac Subregion Master Plan designates Glen Road as Rustic Road from Query Mill Rd to Piney Meetinghouse Rd with two travel lanes and minimum right-of-way width of
The design costs for this project are partially covered in the Bridge Design project (CIP No.
anchorFiscal Note
Since the existing bridge is less than long, construction and construction management costs for this project are not eligible for Federal Aid. Stream restoration work in this project is partially funded with Water Quality Protection Fund revenues.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Maryland State Highway Administration, Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services, Utilities, and Bridge Design Project CIP