anchor Description
This project provides for pedestrian and bicycle improvements for dual bicycle facilities (on-road and off-road) and enhanced, continuous pedestrian facilities along Seven Locks Road from Montrose Road to Bradley Boulevard miles) plus a bike path on Montrose Road between Seven Locks Road and the ramp, plus northbound and eastbound auxiliary through lanes with on-road bike lanes at the intersection of Seven Locks Road and Tuckerman Lane. The project is broken down into three phases: Phase I provides dual bikeway and pedestrian facilities for the segment of Seven Locks Road from Montrose Road to Tuckerman Lane including the bike path on Montrose and the improvements to the Tuckerman Lane intersection. Phase II provides a dual bikeway and pedestrian facilities for the segment of Seven Locks Road from Tuckerman Lane to Democracy Boulevard. Phase III provides a dual bikeway and pedestrian facilities for the segment of Seven Locks Road from Democracy Boulevard to Bradley Boulevard.
anchorEstimated Schedule
was provided in Facility Planning: Transportation CIP Project in to refresh conceptual design to comply with the latest Complete Street Design Guide. Project components are scheduled to commence beyond six years.
anchor Justification
This project is needed to address bicycle facility disconnects along Seven Locks Road. The roadway lacks adequate north-south, on-road/off-road bicycle facilities necessary to provide continuity and connection between existing and future bike facilities. Continuous bicycle and pedestrian facilities are needed to allow safe access to residential, retail and commercial destinations, as well as existing religious and educational and facilities. Plans and studies include: Potomac Sub-Region Master Plan; Countywide Bikeways Master Plan and MCDOT Facility Planning Phase I & II
Costs are based on preliminary design. Construction costs will be updated during the design phase. This project currently provides funding for Phase I improvements only. The project will help the County achieve its Vision Zero goals to reduce deaths and serious injuries on County Roadways to zero by A facility planning refresh was completed in to determine changes needed to meet current pedestrian and bicycle guidelines. Though the proposed width of the roadway has decreased, the proposed width of the pedestrian and bicycle facilities has increased per the Complete Street Design Guide, and therefore, the overall typical section remains largely the same throughout the project limits.
anchorFiscal Note
The total estimated cost of the project for all three phases is approximately million, including design, land acquisition, site improvements, utility relocation, and construction. The project can be built in phases to better absorb cost and financial constraints.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Department of Permitting Services, Pepco, Verizon, Washington Gas, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission; Special Capital Projects Legislation will be proposed by the County Executive.