anchor Description
Effective April the County Council enacted legislation providing for the creation of a Public Arts Trust. The purpose of this program is to incorporate art into public facilities and sponsor privately-funded temporary or permanent displays of art on public property. As written, the Montgomery County' Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) administers the trust in consultation with the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County (AHCMC), Montgomery County Public Schools, Montgomery College, and the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission. The request for County funds for this project will be determined annually. The guidelines state that the annual request for the next fiscal year will be percent of the total approved programmed capital expenditures for the current year Capital Improvements Program of the County Government, Public Schools, Montgomery College, and the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission. Each year, the County Council should consider appropriating this amount but may appropriate any amount.
anchor Justification
Bill a revision to the Art in Public Architecture law, provides for the creation of a Public Arts Trust. The Public Arts Trust is administered by the County's CAO.
anchorFiscal Note
supplemental in Current Revenue: General for the amount of funding updated to reflect Resolution that added an additional in appropriation to Due to fiscal constraints, was reduced by which is half of the approved Council supplemental increase. Special Appropriation approved by Council in July The Public Arts Trust is implemented through the Department of Recreation via an outside contract with the AHCMC.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County, Montgomery County Public Schools, Montgomery College, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Department of General Services, County Executive, and Chief Administrative Officer.