anchor Description
This level of effort project is intended to provide a structured process to ensure safe pool operations through the repair or replacement of slides. A facilities assessment has been conducted to evaluate the needed level of repair or replacement and to create a priority list.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Slide repairs will be coordinated with the annual closure of indoor and outdoor pools to minimize the impact of construction on pool operations. The tentative replacement schedule is: Eunice Kennedy/Sargent Shriver Indoor Pool, Germantown Outdoor Pool, Martin Luther King, Jr. Indoor Pool, Bethesda Outdoor Pool, Long Branch Outdoor Pool, Germantown Indoor Pool.
anchorCost Change
Project cost increase reflects updated schedule and market escalations.
anchor Justification
Most slides were constructed many years ago and many have disintegrated slide surfaces or rusted structural elements which could create safety issues if not repaired. This project ensures that slides are repaired in a systematic sequence based on their condition. The exact cost of slide repair or replacement will be determined based on more detailed studies that will be performed during the design and engineering phase of each slide.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Department of Recreation and Department of General Services.