MPDU Property Detail (Return to Offering List)

After the Random Selection Date, please revisit the MPDUs for Sale page, select the development, and then click the 'Random Selection Results' link to see the selection list of MPDU participants who registered for the drawing. The selection list will be provided by the MPDU office to the sales agent for the development. The sales agent will contact a number of the highest ranked participants on the selection list based on the number of units available in the offering.

Please do not contact the MPDU office to ask if you will be called by the sales agent. The MPDU office does not have this information.

Please note that registering for the drawing does not guarantee you are qualified for the drawing. Household size and other factors may make you ineligible for particular drawings. Participants who register for a drawing and are later determined to be ineligible, will be listed as ineligible on the selection list along with the reason.

Click on the development name for more information about the units (addresses, floor plans, interior and exterior features, etc.).

Development: Buckingham Station
City Germantown
Unit Type Piggyback Townhouse
Unit(s) Available 1
Number of Bedrooms 3
Minimum Pre-qualified Loan Amount $235,800
Open House Attendance Required True
Entry Deadline 09/18/2024
Random Selection Date 09/19/2024
Random Selection Results
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