anchor Description
This project provides funding for WSSC Water's share of the Blue Plains biosolids processes for which construction began after June 30, 1993. There are 12 projects from the DC Water capital program that are covered by the WSSC Water capital project. The projects that make up the majority of the FY'26 anticipated spending include: biosolids blending development center (I3); additional centrifuges for pre-digestion dewatering (LD); and implementation of an RNG initiative to power municipal buses (TL). Starting in FY'28 are planned upgrades to the DAF facility (XY), rehabilitate the dewatered sludge loading facility (XD); and biosolids process rehabilitation (RM).
anchor Justification
This project is needed to implement, upgrade, expand and rehabilitate various facilities that provide treatment and management of the Class A biosolids program for Blue Plains.
The project scope has remained the same. Project costs are derived from the DC Water Capital Budget 10-year forecast of spending and DC Water's latest project management data, and fully reflect DC Water's cost estimates and expenditure schedules available at the time this document was prepared. Given the open-ended nature of the Blue Plains projects, this PDF does not fully reflect the total project costs. These projects are, in fact, expected to continue indefinitely. As new sub-projects are added to the Blue Plains facility plans, the associated costs will be added to this project. The funding schedule also indicates the calculated Rockville share of the cost.
Coordinating Agencies: City of Rockville;(responsible for a share of funding); DC Water;(responsible for design and construction)