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Open Solicitation Details
Open Solicitation Number
# 1025866
Medical and Dental Specialty Services for Public Health Clients
Please Contact Maurine Atkinson at 2407771562 for more information on this solicitation.
ScopePlease visit to download this solicitation.

Montgomery County, Maryland (The County), through its Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), is seeking applications from qualified physician specialists, radiologists, and/or other entities providing licensed medical services, located in Montgomery County and adjacent areas, licensed by the State of Maryland, Virginia, and/or the District of Columbia, and board certified in a particular medical specialty, to provide consultation, diagnostic, and treatment services to County Public Health Clients.

The County is also seeking applications from qualified licensed dentists and/or board certified dental specialists located in Montgomery County and adjacent areas, licenses by the State of Maryland, Virginia, and/or the District of Columbia, to provide dental specialty consultation, diagnostic, and treatment services to County Public Health Clients.