| Number
Bill 60-10
| Title Erosion and Sediment Control - Violations | Sponsor(s) Elrich | Co-Sponsor(s) Ervin | Intro Date 12-14-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 59-10E
| Title Transportation Impact Tax - Amendments - White Flint Impact Tax District | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 12-14-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 58-10
| Title Contracts and Procurement - Sale of Surplus School - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Andrews | Co-Sponsor(s) Ervin, Elrich | Intro Date 12-07-2010 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 57-10E
| Title Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Impasse Procedures | Sponsor(s) Ervin | Co-Sponsor(s) Floreen, Andrews, Berliner, Elrich, Knapp, Navarro, Trachtenberg, Leventhal | Intro Date 11-23-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 56-10E
| Title Bond Authorization | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 11-23-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 55-10E
| Title Taxation - Transportation Impact Tax - Credits - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Knapp | Co-Sponsor(s) Elrich | Intro Date 10-26-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 54-10E
| Title Retirement - Investments | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 10-26-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 53-10E
| Title Forest Conservation - Conforming Amendments | Sponsor(s) Council President at the request of the Planning Board | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 10-26-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 52-10
| Title Commission on Veterans Affairs - Membership | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 10-26-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 51-10E
| Title Administration - Council Budget Office | Sponsor(s) Knapp | Co-Sponsor(s) Ervin, Floreen, Navarro | Intro Date 10-12-2010 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 50-10
| Title Special Taxing District - White Flint - Creation | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 10-05-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 49-10
| Title Personnel and Human Resources - Organ Donor Leave | Sponsor(s) Knapp, Ervin | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 10-05-2010 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 48-10
| Title Technical Corrections | Sponsor(s) County Council | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 10-05-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 47-10E
| Title Administration - Legislative Branch - County Council - Economic Impact Statements | Sponsor(s) Knapp | Co-Sponsor(s) Floreen, Ervin | Intro Date 07-27-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 46-10E
| Title Motor Vehicles and Traffic - Parking Regulations - Utility Trailers | Sponsor(s) Knapp | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 07-27-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 45-10
| Title Personnel - Disability Retirement - Eligibility - Total and Partial Incapacity | Sponsor(s) Trachtenberg | Co-Sponsor(s) Andrews, Berliner | Intro Date 07-27-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 44-10E
| Title Room Rental and Transient Tax - Exemption - Corporate Facility | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 07-27-2010 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 43-10E
| Title Administration - Legislative Branch - County Council - Fiscal Impact Statements | Sponsor(s) Knapp | Co-Sponsor(s) Floreen, Ervin, Andrews, Trachtenberg | Intro Date 07-27-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 42-10
| Title Personnel - Retirement - Furlough - Imputed Compensation - Represented Employees | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 07-20-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 41-10E
| Title Domestic Violence Coordinating Council - Membership | Sponsor(s) Andrews | Co-Sponsor(s) Trachtenberg, Navarro, Ervin | Intro Date 06-29-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 40-10E
| Title Stormwater Management - Revisions | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 06-29-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 39-10E
| Title Eating and Drinking Establishments - Nutrition Labeling - Implementation | Sponsor(s) Health and Human Services Committee | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 06-29-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 38-10E
| Title Buildings - Adequate Public Facilities - Definitions | Sponsor(s) Floreen | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 06-15-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 37-10E
| Title Ethics - Ethics Commission - Staff | Sponsor(s) Management and Fiscal Policy Committee | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 06-15-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 36-10
| Title Finance - Revenue Stabilization Fund - Amendments | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 05-27-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 35-10E
| Title Personnel - Disability Retirement - Imputed Compensation | Sponsor(s) Elrich | Co-Sponsor(s) Andrews, Trachtenberg | Intro Date 05-25-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 34-10
| Title Finance - Public Facilities - Private Projects | Sponsor(s) Leventhal | Co-Sponsor(s) Knapp, Elrich | Intro Date 05-18-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 33-10E
| Title Finance - Working Families Income Supplement - Amount | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 05-04-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 32-10E
| Title Administration - Public Libraries - Payments to Municipalities | Sponsor(s) Health and Human Services Committee | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 05-04-2010 | Status Sunset |
| Number
Bill 31-10
| Title Board of Investment Trustees - Membership | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 05-04-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 30-10E
| Title Personnel - Equal Benefits - Fire and Rescue Employees | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 05-04-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 29-10E
| Title Taxes - Excise Tax - Carbon Dioxide Emissions | Sponsor(s) Berliner | Co-Sponsor(s) Leventhal, Elrich, Andrews, Navaro, Trachtenberg | Intro Date 04-27-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 28-10
| Title Economic Development - Business Development Corporation - Establishment | Sponsor(s) Floreen | Co-Sponsor(s) Trachtenberg, Ervin, Navarro, Knapp, Leventhal, Berliner | Intro Date 04-27-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 27-10
| Title Special Capital Improvements Project - North County Maintenance Depot | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 04-20-2010 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 26-10
| Title Special Capital Improvements Project - 6th District Police Station | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 04-20-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 25-10
| Title Special Capital Improvements Project - Olney Library Renovation and Addition | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 04-20-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 24-10
| Title Special Capital Improvements Project - Equipment Maintenance and Operations Center (EMOC) | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 04-20-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 23-10
| Title Special Capital Improvements Project - 3rd District Police Station | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 04-20-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 22-10
| Title Special Capital Improvements Project - Travilah Fire Station | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 04-20-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 21-10
| Title Special Capital Improvements Project - Glenmont Fire Station 18 Replacement | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 04-20-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 20-10
| Title Special Capital Improvements Project - MCPS Food Distribution Facility Relocation | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 04-20-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 19-10
| Title Bill Number Not Used | Sponsor(s) | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 01-01-2010 | Status Bill Number Not Used |
| Number
Bill 18-10E
| Title Personnel - Retirement - Furlough - Imputed Compensation | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 04-13-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 17-10
| Title Public Utility Easement - Urban Roads | Sponsor(s) Elrich | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 04-13-2010 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 16-10E
| Title Personnel - Retirement - Imputed Compensation Limit | Sponsor(s) Andrews | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 04-06-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 15-10E
| Title Taxation - Fuel-Energy Tax - Rate | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 03-23-2010 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 14-10E
| Title Recordation Tax - Allocation of Revenue | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 03-23-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 13-10E
| Title Emergency Medical Services Transport Fee - Established | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 03-23-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 12-10E
| Title Human Rights - Equal Employment Opportunity Program | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 03-23-2010 | Status Expired |
| Number
Bill 11-10E
| Title Stormwater Management -Water Quality Protection Charge - Debt Service | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 03-23-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 10-10E
| Title Buildings - Energy Efficiency - Repeal | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 03-23-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 9-10E
| Title Personnel - Retirement Incentive Program | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 03-23-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 8-10E
| Title Finance - Public Facilities - Agricultural Easements | Sponsor(s) Planning Housing and Economic Development Committee, Leventhal | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 03-16-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 7-10E
| Title Motor Vehicles and Traffic - Speed monitoring systems | Sponsor(s) Council President at the Request of the County Executive | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 03-02-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 6-10E
| Title Noise Control - Arts and Entertainment Activities | Sponsor(s) Elrich, Floreen | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 03-02-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 5-10E
| Title Economic Development - Biotechnology Credit - County Supplement | Sponsor(s) Knapp | Co-Sponsor(s) Ervin, Leventhal, Floreen | Intro Date 02-02-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 4-10
| Title Workforce Housing - Voluntary | Sponsor(s) Planning Housing and Economic Development Committee | Co-Sponsor(s) | Intro Date 02-02-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 3-10E
| Title Streets and roads - Sidewalks - Public hearing requirement | Sponsor(s) Floreen | Co-Sponsor(s) Leventhal, Ervin | Intro Date 01-19-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 2-10
| Title Personnel - Contracts - Retaliation | Sponsor(s) Ervin | Co-Sponsor(s) Andrews, Trachtenberg, Floreen, Navarro, Elrich | Intro Date 01-19-2010 | Status Enacted |
| Number
Bill 1-10
| Title Development - Coordination, Oversight | Sponsor(s) Trachtenberg | Co-Sponsor(s) Knapp | Intro Date 01-19-2010 | Status Enacted |