anchor Description
This project provides funding for campus master plans, and facility planning studies for projects being considered for possible inclusion in the CIP. In addition, facility planning serves as a transition stage for a project between the master plan or conceptual stage, and its inclusion as a stand-alone project, or subproject, in the CIP. Prior to the establishment of a stand-alone project, the College develops a Facility Program/Program of Requirements (POR) that outlines the general facility purpose and need and specific features required on the project. Facility planning is a decision-making process to determine the purpose and need of a candidate project through a rigorous investigation of the following critical project elements: usage forecasts; academic requirements; investigation of non-County sources of funding; and detailed project cost estimates. This project provides for project planning and preliminary design, and allows for the development of a program of requirements in advance of the full programming of a project in the CIP, including the preparation of Part I and II documentation to meet State requirements. Depending upon the results of a facility planning determination of purpose and need, a project may or may not proceed to construction.
anchor Justification
There is a continuing need for the development of accurate cost estimates and an exploration of alternatives for proposed projects. Facility planning costs for all projects which ultimately become stand-alone PDFs are included here. These costs will not be reflected in the resulting individual project. Future individual CIP projects which result from facility planning may each reflect reduced planning and design costs. Relevant studies include the Montgomery College Strategic Plan (7/23), Collegewide Facilities Condition Assessment Update (1/23), and the Collegewide Facilities Master Plan (Pending 2023). The East County Feasibility study was completed June 2021.
FY25 Appropriation: $270,000 (Current Revenue: General). FY26 Appropriation: $270,000 (Current Revenue: General). The following fund transfers have been made from this project: $25,000 to the Information Technology: College project (CIP No. P856509) (BOT Resol. #91-56 - 5/20/91); $7,000 to Planning, Design & Construction (CIP No. P906605) (BOT Resol. #01-153 - 10/15/01); $25,000 to Planning, Design and Construction (CIP No. P804064) (BOT Resol. #02-62 - 6/17/02). The following fund transfers has been made to this project: $28,000 from the South Silver Spring Property Acquisition (CIP No. P016602) (BOT Resol. # 03-28 - 4/21/03); $600,000 from the Planning, Design, and Construction project (CIP No. P906605) (BOT Resol. #22-06-103, 6/22/22). By County Council Resol. No. 12-6333, the cumulative project appropriation was reduced by $187,500 in FY92. By County Council Resolution No. 16-1261, the cumulative appropriation was reduced by $171,000 (Current Revenue: General) as part of the FY10 savings plan.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Collegewide Facilities Master Plan Update (Annual Update) FY26- Germantown Student Affairs & Science Building Renovation and addition- Phase 2 (Part I/Part II). FY27- Takoma Park/Silver Spring P1/P2 Building Renovations, Part I/Part II. FY28- TPSS Academic & Wellness Center.