Select a Location
Select Date/Time
Enter Information
Review Request
Appointment Confirmation
Step 1: Select a Location
The Flu Vaccine On-line Appointment Booking System will allow you to choose a flu vaccine clinic location, select an appointment date/time, submit essential information necessary to schedule a flu vaccine appointment, and generate an appointment confirmation email notification confirming your appointment. As you move through each step to make your appointment, a status bar toward the top of the web page will indicate your progress. Please register each family member/patient name separately.
The flu vaccine appointments are for anyone 6 months and older and it is FREE.
For those without Internet access, please call 311 or (240) 777 - 0311. For additional information, please visit the County Flu Information web page http://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/Flu. To cancel existing appointment, please click Cancel Appointment.
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No Record.