Hauler is any person operating a commercial business or engaged in any enterprise regularly generating solid waste which requires collecting and hauling to an approved point of disposal, when such collecting and hauling is done by the person generating such material in his own vehicles or in vehicles leased for the purpose, in lieu of having a licensed collector perform this service

A collector is any person who contracts to collect and provide services for collection and/or transporting the solid waste of others to its disposal site.


  1. Copy of the State Vehicle Registration Card
    Submit a clear and legible copy of the State Vehicle Registration Card for each vehicle or trailer you wish to register combined in one file.
  2. Fees
    • The Solid Waste License Fee is $25.00.
    • Solid Waste Vehicle Registration Fee is $5.00 per vehicle or trailer.


  1. Memorandum of Understanding (PDF) This is a legally binding agreement between Montgomery County, Maryland, and all licensed collectors. The first and last pages must be completed and the last page must be signed and witnessed. This agreement is required for all collectors, regardless of the type of refuse collected.
  2. County-approved Affidavit Form (PDF) An authorized representative of your company must complete and sign this Affidavit.
  3. Copy of the State Vehicle Registration Card
    Submit a clear and legible copy of the State Vehicle Registration Card for each vehicle or trailer you wish to register combined in one file.
  4. Fees
    • The Solid Waste License Fee is $25.00.
    • Solid Waste Vehicle Registration Fee is $5.00 per vehicle or trailer.